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Picture of Belle above^^^^

Warning: It contains a lot of swearing and bad words.


My name is Belle. 

I am 25. 

My life was pretty normal before.

I married the man I loved and It's been 3 years.

"Wow, you are so lucky," you may say.

But the scenario is not like that.

"What's wrong?" you may ask.

The answer to that is, EVERYTHING is wrong.

It was not the life I ever dreamt of.

Like every other normal person, I also thought of having a family.

But he lied to me.

He breaks my heart every second.

Who is it?

Well, he is my husband. A drunkard and a bad person.

Now you may ask why don't you divorce him?

Well, I thought of it. I think about it always. But it would perhaps cost my near and dear ones to me then.

He blackmails me, abuses and mentally tortures me.

My life is just over.


Same day. Evening, 7:30 p.m.

"Where are you, you bitch?" I heard Hudson shouting from the front door.

Hudson was my lovely, sweet and caring husband. (Note the sarcasm.)

I knew he had come drunk as usual and it was not surprising at all.

"You are drunk again? How many times do I need to tell you this is bad?"

"You. You will not order me what I should do or not. I can take care of my life."

"I can see how much you can take care of your life."

"Shut up you cunt and give me my food," he demanded.

"Food. There is no food. Starve to death."

"You ungrateful witch. How dare you? I am your husband," he said and slapped me hard.

I feel on the ground.

Our fights were quite common and all the neighborhood knew about us and our daily fights.

There were also many rumors about us but I just didn't care.

A tear dropped down my cheek.

"Ughh, Now all these typical crying. Stand the fuck up you bitch and do as I said."

"I want a divorce."

"Again. Don't you get tired woman? We have already talked about this. And you know the consequences of divorcing me. I can finish off your family."

Tears were now falling down my cheeks.

"Why don't you just divorce me. You will be freed from me and do whatever you can?"

"I won't, cause I truly love you, darling," he said almost falling down.

"Love. I don't want to hear that word from your mouth. Love had ended that day when you left me for six months and vanished, with all your debts on my shoulder. Do you know how difficult was it for me then, you fucking moron?" I shouted not able to bear it anymore.

"No, No, No, I love you," he said cupping my cheeks.

I could smell the alcohol from his mouth and felt like puking

"Don't touch me."

"I love-"

"Bullshit. You are a liar, a cheat, a psychopath," I shouted more loudly cutting him off.

"Now lady you are getting on my nerves. I am trying to be good here. Serve me my dinner," he commanded.

I remained quiet with tears streaming down my face.

I was totally broken.

I was just tired and frustrated with him.

Tired and frustrated with all these fights.

I was tired of my life.

I made dinner and we ate in silence.


At 11:45 p.m.

I got ready for bed.

Hudson had already gone off to sleep.

I checked my Whatsapp for any important message from my workplace.

Well, I was a nurse in a very good hospital and got well paid.

I was very active in my social media accounts also. It was, you can say, for my job.

I laid down on my bed and started scrolling down my phone.

Hudson moved a little beside me.

I looked at him.

There was once a time when Hudson was extremely good to me.

It was hard to believe I had such a good boyfriend back then and all my friends were jealous of me.

I dreamt of having a loving family with him but all my dreams were now shattered.

It all started the day when he left me for six months. Six fucking months.

He left me with a huge debt which he had borrowed. The struggle he made me go through for those months still gives me chills.

But after that also I left him stay when he came back.

You cannot blame me for that. I loved him. I still had feelings for him.

I loved him with all my heart and mind.

I looked away from him and started scrolling through my Instagram.

All of a sudden a notification popped up on my screen.

'Cade Johnson wants to send you a message'.

I tapped on his picture and went through his profile as it was public.

He looked the same age as me.

I started reading his bio which said that he was an engineer.

I ignored it and continued going through my phone.

"Hey," A message popped up.

I ignored it.

"Do you remember me?"

"Long time no see."

Messages started popping. I got irritated. 

I silenced my phone and kept it away.

I knew these kinds of jerks. First, they talk to you very nicely and then ask for your nudes.

Disgusting. I hated such people.

I threw him out of my mind and ignored it. I said a small prayer and went off to sleep.

Ughh, I had to go to work tomorrow.


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It's the first chapter!!!! I know its quite boring.

Stay patient and wait for the second chapter. 

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Until next time.

Love Love.

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