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        I open my eyes as Slender sets me down, "Y/n!" i hear the familiar voice of Sally squel as she wraps her aarms around me.

"Your alive." she says silently. What does she mean by that? i ask myself.

"Was it planned that i not live?" i ask surprised at her remark.

"Well," Sally says upset like. " My dad got kind of upset, but he dident know what you did for me." she quickly retorts.

I snap my head towords Slenderman. "So you where planning on killing me even though you dident know the whole story?"

He dosent answer for a moment.

"I thought you where supposed to be more intellictial than that."

"Well yes your right," he finally speaks up. "I am very sorry Y/n, but Sally is my daughter, i must have gotten the wrong idea. Again, i am sorry."

I let out a huff. "Its ok.... i think i understand." i politly smile. He then nods and dissapears somewhere.

"Y/n! i want  you to meet everyone!" Sally exclaims grabbing my arm and dragging me off inot the mansion.

I met Jeff again, this time in his CP form. I then met the two proxies Masky and Hoody, then i met Eyeless Jack, BEN, then lastly Laughng Jack. Everyone seemed alright, considering im in  a mansion full of bloodthirsty kilers.

        "Dinner is ready." Slender's voice rings in, i presume, all of our heads.

"Common Y/n!" Sally yells yet again, pulling me with her to what it seems the dinning room.

Walking in, there is a loft table and at one end in the middle Slenderman sits, to his left on the side Jeff and BEN sit and  next to them the two proxies sit, accross from them both of the Jacks sit then Sally next to E.J, leaving me to sit next to Slenderman.

"I hope you dont mind what we're eating." Slenderman 'says' to me.

"Of course I dont mind, anyhting is fine." i say not meaning to rhyme. (Earns a laugh from L.J)

I awkwardly smile and start eating the food in front of me. I was menjoiying the quietness untill Jeff cleared his throut.

"So, how long is this one going to last?" Jeff asks a little too cheefully.

"Jeff..." Sally says quietly, clearly upset by his question.

Slenderman and the otheres just stair at him.

"What do you mean?" i ask.

No one answers for a while, then Jeff lets out a sigh.

"Well, its just that Sallys friends usally dont last long, they either get to frightend and run off, or tell Sally they cant be friends anymore. It all ends up the same."

"Y/n can handle it." Sally says simi-silently.

"No she ca-" Jeff starts before getting cut off.

"Yes she can, shes diffrent. I can tell."

Suddenly all eyes are on you, as if the other CP'S are studying you.

"Well.. something weird did happen to me, i odnt know if its a coincidence or..." i say suddenly nervous.

"What is it y/n" E.J asks prsistantly.

"Well, i had a dream about Macy, she was dead and she laid on her bead with a symbol carved into her stomach." As i finish, there all still gaping at me.

"H-how is that possible Slender, the photos havent even been leaked to the public." BEN states.

"Hmm, i have no idea." He says furrowing his eyebrows, seemingly studying me more than the others.

I finish my dinner fastly cause Sally kept nagging me to hurry so we could go to her room, our room.

Walking in, its fairly sized with 2 beds on opposite sides of the room, looks like there were some toys too and a dresser.

        Sally gives me cloths to change into for the night after i take a shower for the night, wich is just pajamas.

"Ya' know, Slenderman's room is right across from ours." she grins.

"OK? why are you being so weird about it?"

"No reason!" she then turns off her lamp, leaving us in the darkness.

"Goodnight!" she says.

"Goodnight Sally."

        After about an hour, my mind is still keeping me awake and usally i have my Teddy Bear to snuggle up to. My heart starts ounding, i know im having an anxiety attack . Theres this feeling i get, where i just feel so alone. Tears start falling down my eyes as i cuddle my pillow.

"Child, why are you crying?" I jump haring Slendermans voice, i dident even hear the door open.

I sit up and brush away my tears.

"I-its nothing, I just get anxiety attacks."

Opeing my eyes i see Sally standing next to Slender, no doubt i woke  her up with my sobbing.

"How do you usally deal with it?" she asks suddenly.

"Usally untill i fall asleep."

Both of them continue to stair at me,, as if im a wounded animal.

"Ill be fine." i say turning around facing away from them in bed. I hear Sally whisper something to Slender, then i hear the door open and close. Suddemly my bed shifts as i feel a pair of arms wrap around me and a body 'cuddle' me. My face grows red, i look down at the pale hand around me and instantly know who it belongs to.

"S-Slenderman, i said i can handle it-"

"Just go to sleep Y/n" he simply says, seeing no other choce, i do as he says.


Sally knocks on my door the opens it. She tells me that y/n is crying , feeling some kind of weird feeling in my stomach(butterflys) i get up and wak to their room, Sally beside me.

Indeed Y/n is crying, but why? Just like Sally as, as she told me, she gets anxiety attacks and has no medication for it. Sally argues with me and tells me to lay with y/n like i used to do for Sally (in a less intimate way of corse, but like how a dauughter will snuggle with her parents when she sleeps) .

 As i look down at y/n, i wonder what could make her feel like this. Soon after just standing their and debationg in my head what i used do, Sally leave the room and goes into mine, and i lay with y/n and hold her.

"S-Slenderman, i said i could handle this." she studders.

"Just go to be Y/n." she dosent retort.

        I decide to read her mind to try and get an idea to what she is thinking/feeling.

"I hope he cant see my face, why is he doing this? does he pity me...... im for sure this is pity."

Its not pity. 
I say to myself then suddenly bring her closer to me. i could feel her relax more.

"Oh i really hope he cant see my face.... this is actually really comfortable....i-it dosent matter...he wouldent fall for me anyways, i know that all to well."

        I stop tresspasing her thoughts there, honestly i cant belive i heard that, how could she have feelings for a monster like me? Its impossible.

I feel her finally fall asleep in my arms and i look down at her, she is rather beautiful. Her eyes are still puffy from crying, still she is beautiful.

Stop. i musent think like this. she is a human, and i.. a monster. she would never love me.

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