chapter one

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"Annabeth!" Percy yelled, "Annabeth, wait! I can explain!"

Annabeth walked away from him, tears burning against her cheeks, fists clenched tightly at her sides.

"Annabeth! Please..." Percy tried again.

She turned to face him, anger and pain spread across her expression, "I don't want an explanation, Percy."

"But..." Percy's voice trailed off again.

"No!" Annabeth suddenly screamed, "No buts! You had you're chance, you let it go. You had me, but you let me go too. Leave me alone, Percy. I don't want an explanation. I don't want to ever see you again."

Percy stood, motionless, as his heart shattered into a thousand pieces. He stared into the stormy grey eyes of his best friend, watching as they split into shards of ice and betrayal. Percy felt tears fill his eyes, felt then drip down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Annabeth..."



"Beth!" Percy called excitedly, "Beth, guess what!"

Annabeth gave a small laugh as her best friend rushed towards her, his arms full of papers and textbooks, all threading to fall to the ground.

She rolled her eyes,"What is it, Perce?"

"You are not going to believe this," he said breathlessly, a smile played across his lips. "Paul got us tickets to see the newest Marvel movie! V.I.P passes!"

"No way!" Annabeth exclaimed loudly, her excitement getting the better of her. She glanced around with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face, and then lowered her voice to make the conversation private, "Are you serious? That's crazy! When is it?"

Percy smiled brightly, his eyes sparkling, "This Friday!"

Annabeth laughed at Percy's ridiculous expression, "That's awesome. I cant wait."

Annabeth glanced at Percy, meeting his eyes. They shone in the sun, glinting a thousand different shades of green. Annabeth leaned up on her top toes, wrapping her arms quickly around Percy's neck. Papers scattered from his arms as he rushed to meet her in the embrace. She buried her head against his chest, breathing in his salty ocean smell. She smiled.

The pair broke off quickly. Percy shuffled his papers back into order and gave a small laugh, his eyes crinkling up and his cheeks rosy with blush. He scratched at the back of his neck nervously, running a hand through his dark and messy hair. Annabeth gave an adoring sigh. He was just so cute.

"Well, I've gotta run. I have math, and if I'm late one more time, Mrs. Kertez will seriously kill me. Plus I haven't finished my homework, so I'm already in trouble" Percy gave an annoyed look, gesturing at his textbooks and essays.

"Still saying no to that tutoring offer?" Annabeth smirked, "You know I could help you out."

Percy hesitated, then shook his head, "No thanks. I want to do this on my own. High School sure isn't the easiest thing for me, but if I want it to mean anything, I need to do it myself."

Annabeth raised her eyebrows, admiring the words that had just come out of Percy's mouth. "I never knew you could be so mature. You seem so... old."

Percy gave a goofy smirk, "I'm growing up, Beth! Can't you tell. Look at how tall I am, and these muscles, this six-pack! I bet you I'm hot enough to pass for a college student."

Annabeth laughed and shoved him away, "Shut up. You know that's not what I meant."

Percy wriggled his eyebrows at her and gave an adorable grin, "Whatever you say. Anyways, I'm off to math. I'll catch you around, kay'?

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "I'll see you at lunch, Jackson."

Percy waved with a final smirk, "See you at lunch, Chase."

Even though Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase were nothing more than friends, Annabeth couldn't fight the feeling that was burning inside her. It was warm, fuzzy. It made her smile and gave her butterflies every time she thought of it. It was definitely not a feeling she should be having about her best friend.

Annabeth smirked as Percy Jackson jogged off into the distance, turned around and gave her a final wink before disappearing into Goode High School.

Annabeth crossed her arms and grinned, shaking her head and muttering.

"You're just friends" she thought to herself. "You're just friends..."

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