chapter three

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"Percy..." Annabeth said cautiously, "Are you there?"

"I gotta go, Annabeth" Percy said softly.

"What? Percy, no! Percy, please don't be mad. It just... happened..." Annabeth trailed off.

"I'm not mad" Percy said, his voice growing quieter, "Just a little disappointed. I want the best for you, Beth, and we both know that this isn't the best for you. Think it through, take your time, don't jump into something you aren't prepared for."

Annabeth paused, unsure what to say to that. His tone and his words were so unfamiliar to her. She hardly ever heard him speak so seriously about something. She opened her mouth but didn't know what to say.

"I care about you, Annabeth" Percy whispered, "Luke doesn't."

Annabeth inhaled slightly, but didn't say anything. Was it because he was right? Did she believe him? Did Luke even care about her?

"I'll see you at school" Percy said.

Why did his voice sound so sad, so desperate?

He hung up. The phone buzzed. She held it in her hand, staring at the wall, her mind filled with nothing but the lonely voice of Percy Jackson.



Percy sat down next to Annabeth in math class. He hadn't seen her all weekend. He hadn't called her, hadn't even texted her. He felt awful. He'd been a dick, but honestly she deserved it. Hanging out with Luke Castellan? The same idiot that broke her heart and messed with her life, then moved schools and acted like nothing happened. Percy had been her best friend for years, he knew that Luke was the worst thing that ever happened to her.


She looked up at him and gave a small smile, "Hey. Didn't hear from you all weekend, thought you disappeared."

Percy gave a weak smile, "I was busy."

She looked away awkwardly, "How was the movie? Did Estelle like it?"

He bit his lip and glanced at the floor, trying to find words but unable to.

Annabeth gave him a strange look and Percy rushed a sentence out, "Yeah. Yeah, Estelle loved it."

Annabeth nodded, clearly still skeptic.

"So, what about you..." Percy murmured, trying not to let the obvious aggravation trace into his tone, "How was... Luke?"

Annabeth gave a curt nod, staring straight ahead at the dusty chalkboard. "It was quite nice. I missed him more than I realized."

Percy rolled his eyes, "That's great."

Annabeth frowned, "It is great."

He crossed his arms, "I was being sarcastic."

Annabeth scowled deeper, "I know."

Percy stood abruptly, "I'm going to sharpen my pencil."

Annabeth looked at her text books, her eyes racked with pain and confusion, and guilt... "Have fun."

He walked briskly away, biting his lip and overthinking the conversation he had just had with Annabeth.

Percy had just lied to his best friend, and he had a feeling she had done the same thing.

Short chapter, I know! Sorry bout that, I'll try to upload again today. I think I'll try to update this story weekly, and the updates will most likely come on the weekends. Also, I switched up the perspectives in this one. Hope that it wasn't too hard to follow, I'll be changing the other two parts into perspectives as well, although they're all from Annabeths POV. Thanks guys!
Hope you like the story!!'


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