|02| scenic pathways

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Jungkooks view

Soon later jungkooks car emitted a screech as it pulled up at school. Taehyung sighed as he gulped visibly at his heart almost threatening to leap out of his chest. His shaky hand clasped around the door handle before pulling on it slowly. He got out with shaky legs, jungkook and jisung waiting for him outside already.

"you okay buddy?" jisung went to his brother. His voice was laced with concern. Jungkook watched Taehyung with interest, trying to be discrete as possible.

"n-nervous hyungie" Taehyung mumbled however his voice was No longer a quiet mutter. Jungkooks eyebrows rose in surprise upon hearing Taehyungs deep angelic voice.

Why Is everyrhing about him so intriguing?

"c'mon what'd i say hm? You'll be fine, plus you have me and jungkook to go to okay?"

"okay" came the soft reply from a less nervous taehyung.

"the art building is just to the right near buissness where jungkook is headed. He'll walk you there okay? Im off straight so i wont see you til lunch. You'll be fine taebear" jisung threw his brother a cheesy smile who immedietly brightened up. The butterflies swarming had quitened down juuuust a little.

"okay hyungie. Byebye" taehyung muttered. His hand waved a small goodbye to his brother who was walking away from him, now leaving him alone with jungkook.

The older was standing there patiently. His eyes on taehyung. He watched, his face stoic, as taehyung slowly turned around to face him. The boys fingers still grasped at his backpack and He was still biting on his lip out of shyness.

"lets go." jungkook broke the silence with his deep mutter. He began to walk away with quick strides causing taehyung to jog a little to catch up with him. No words were exchanged between them as they strolled down the scenic pathway that was decorated with lovely lush green grass on each side, pretty colourful flowers blooming gracefully in the september sun as they relished in the last bit of fresh air they would get until winter came around.

The silence wasnt awkward as both boys didnt seem to talk much in general anyway however jungkook couldnt help but glance sneakily from the corner of his eye at taehyung. He frowned at himself, wondering why he had to stop from staring altogether. What is so special about him thats drawing me in??

He shook his head to clear himself of his thoughts. Before he knew it, they already reached the art building. He faced taehyung. "go through those doors and your new classmates will be there." jungkook said as he watched taehyung look at the large building with so much awe. He chuckled in his head. He'll think its amazing now but he'll just get tired of it.

Taehyungs head whipped towards him. His lips curled up a little into a small smile that jungkook has seen for the first time. "t-thank you, uh j-jungkook?" taehyung said unsure as to whether he should address jungkook by his name or by hyung since he also was his elder.

"thats my name isnt it?" jungkook mockingly said.

Taehyung remained standing, not knowing what to say.

"i'll leave now. " jungkook muttered taking one last glance at the younger boy before walking off.

Taehyung continued to stare at the building.


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