|05| soft blankets and hot coco

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Taehyung view

It was finally the weekend much to Taehyungs relief after a busy week of settling into his class and getting to know his teacher. The boy was nestled onto the couch, his blanket wrapped closely around him in attempt to rid himself of the cold air despite the heating being on.

Jisung was at the university as he wanted to catch up on his notes after skiving a lesson, finding the need to skateboard suddenly. That wasnt a wise choice however as he was now stuck at school on a saturday.

"reports from locals in Hongdae, seoul have pointed out random men dressed in high vis jackets are going around homes proclaiming to be on 'neighbourhood watch' as they go around committing burglary and the act of kidnapping. We warn you to lock your doors at all times and to not open it for anyone during the day ."

Taehyung listened carefully to the news woman, feeling scared from her words slightly as he was all alone at home without jisung. He knows That the door is locked but he fears at the fact that these men could be around his area.

He turned the tv off, wanting to go upstairs and hide in the comfort of his bed until jisung returned home. He got up, then folded the blanket nicely. The boy was just on his last fold until his actions halted suddenly, the sound of a doorbell ringing in the distance.

Taehyung stood still as he didnt move an inch. His breath hitched as he slowly turned around. It couldnt be them could it?

He walked towards the door, feeling his heart beat rapidly as he became closer. His eyes remained staring at the white door in front of him. Dont open it, it could be them Taehyung.

The poor boys hands were shaking violently. His right hand clutched tightly onto his phone as his knuckles turned white from the action. He took in a deep breath before opening the letter box.

"w-who is it?" the blondes shaky voice murmured.

Jungkook view

Meanwhile, as Jungkook was resting on the couch, he recieved a text from jisung telling him to pick up Taehyung and bring him to his house after hearing the news, and knowing Taehyung would be scared out of his mind, jisung decided he should stay with Jungkook where its safer.

Jungkook sighed as he looked at the text. Deep down he held a slight concern for the blonde, wondering what would happen if those criminals did reach him. He frowned, before he lifted himself up from the couch whilst reaching for his coat and mask.

He had nothing to do anyway so conversing and hanging out with his bestfriends brother for the day wouldnt be so bad would it?


Here he was, now standing infront of the kim households door. He wasnt afraid if he came to see the men because Jungkook knew he could easily take them down with one fist because he didnt do boxing for nothing did he?

The boys mask was pulled right over his nose because he didnt want to risk becoming ill from the bleak cold weather. He knocked on the door then immedietly shoved his hands into the deep pockets of his long black coat that went well with the black turtleneck he was wearing.

There was no response so Jungkook knocked again. He huffed impateintly and he didnt even have Taehyungs number so he couldnt call him- and the lazy part of him didnt wanna call jisung and ask.

Before the raven haired was going to knock again, he looked down to see the letterbox had opened slightly. Jungkook frowned. He strained his ears as he heard a little murmur of 'who is it'.

Jungkook leaned down. "it's me. Jungkook." now, the boy thought he sounded clear, unfortunately the mask on his face caused his words to come out muffled and almost foreign meaning the door still did not open.

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