|03| sweet treats

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Taehyung view

"hi sweetheart! Welcome to the art building. Do you need help finding your class?" the cheerful teacher exclaimed helpfully to Taehyung who looked at her with wide doe eyes in confusion.

"yes please... Im doing fine art." Taehyung mumbled quietly, his long fingers colliding together as they fumbled around anxiously.

"its just down the corridor sweetie. If you have any trouble i'll be right here as you found me!"

"thank you." taehyung mumbled in reply, his head lowering in gratitude shyly. He followed the directions as told, finding himself infront of the classroom he'd surely be spending three quartres of his college life in.

He took in a deep breath as he silently told himself it'll be okay and that the students are nice. Afterall, taehyung has never met a mean person who does art. He opened the door slowly expected to be met with judging looks from every student, instead his worries disappeared because everyone seemed to already be working on art pieces, paying no attention to the newcomer as they all chatted happily and worked.

Taehyung breathed out a sigh. He was then greeted by who he assumed, his teacher. She looked fairly young with her light brown hair pulled up into a messy bun, strands of hair falling messily onto her face. Her eyes were of a green colour, very rare yet undescribable as taehyung almost got lost in her shining irises. She radiated all kinds of happiness as She smiled widely, her pearly white teeth glimmering.

"welcome to your first lesson. Taehyung right? You were the only one who didnt call out for the register." She said sweetly, as if honey was dripping off her words.

"y-yes. Im kim taehyung. Sorry im late." taehyung bowed respectfully as he greeted his teacher.

"its fine, you probably got lost right? My name is Song Nari. Call me whatever makes you feel comfortable, i wont force you to Call me by my first name like some other teachers do." she chuckled causing taehyung to smile softly, loving how he got such a nice teacher.

Nari looked around the room before turning to face taehyung again. "theres an empty seat by the large window. Take a seat and yeosang will tell you what to do. I would tell you as your teacher but i figured i'd give everyone a chance to make new friends." she smiled brightly again. How could a teacher be so nice?

"thank you miss Song." taehyung thanked her before walking to his seat nervously. He saw one boy who seemed to be sharing the table with him, probably yeosang.

Wow he's pretty and handsome

Taehyung bit his lip before taking a seat stiffly, his bag still on his back. Yeosang looked up from his canvas with a kind friendly smile. He put down his brush carefully before his eyes landed on taehyungs stiff figure. He chuckled, getting taehyungs attention immedietly.

"theres no need to be so nervous. Im really friendly and i'd love to be friends with you." yeosang stated, the smile still there.

Taehyung felt blood rushing to his cheeks in embarassment. He stopped biting his lip in order to talk. "sorry, Im really shy." the boy mumbled, a tiny smile on his face as he remained in eye contact with yeosang.

"thats okay. I talk alot, so i'll make you comfortable around me in no time!" yeosang stated confidently followed by his own chuckle. "first off though, you definitely wont be comfortable painting with your bag still on." the other pointed out.

Taehyung smiled in reply, the heat still in his cheeks as he turned around to remove his bag. He eyed yeosangs art peice who was back to painting again. It was tiny of course, as the whole class was working on A4 sized paper because today was just an experiment day but what yeosang had sketched was amazing.

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