|24| waterfalls of tears

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Taehyung view

"taehyung look at me please." jisung begged helplessly as he tried to get the crying boy on the bed to look at him through his big waterfalls of tears.

Taehyung ignored him, only whimpered loudly in reply as he continued to cry. He was curled up on the bed, legs pressed to his chest and head buried in his knees, blonde hair a mess.

"please stop crying and tell me what happened. I dont want to see you like this taebear." jisungs voice was quiet and careful, worried eyes trained on his brother.

Taehyung shook his head. Refusing to tell him. He couldnt because the younger boy knew jisung would go straight for jungkook and even though they are bestfriends jisung wouldnt hesitate to punch the other for hurting his brother.

Jisung sighed. He leaned forward and pulled taehyung into a hug as the said boy relaxed into his brothers arms. They stayed like that until taehyungs cries died down to sniffles only.

"has sanggie gone home?" taehyung mumbled through his weak voice.

"he's in the sitting room, i'll get him." jisung said as he left.

Yeosang came and comforted taehyung, hugging him tightly and making him change into comfy clothes. He even offered the boy some ice cream but he refused, saying he had no apetite.

"wanna tell me whats got you like this?" Yeosang asked worriedly.

Taehyung sniffled, eyes focusing on the bed as he avoided looking at Yeosang. "j—jungkook was k-kissing seri." taehyung choked out, tears threatening to spill again.

Yeosang gasped. "are you...did you see them?"

Taehyung nodded his head. He whined when a tear slipped down his cheek.

It was silent as yeosang wiped taehyungs tears and told him not to worry as everything would be okay- which taehyung so badly wanted to believe.

"I wanna sleep."  taehyung mumbled.

Yeosang nodded, helping taehyung get into bed who was eventually out like a light. He went out of the room and saw jisung sat on the couch, beer in his hand.

"its too late for you to be drinking." yeosang said.

Jisung whipped his head towards him. "has he stopped crying?"

"yeah, but he's not okay."

"I know he told you." jisung said seriously. "yeosang please, he's my brother. I need to know whats bothering him."

Yeosang let out a big breath. "he-he saw seri and jungkook kissing." he gulped.

Jisungs eyes darkened. "jungkook was kissing seri when he's dating my brother?" his voice went deeper, scaring yeosang.

"and tae saw them right? He didnt just assume jungkook was kissing her?" jisung didnt want to believe jungkook did this.

"he saw them. Im sorry, I know you dont want to think jungkook did it."

"he couldnt have. He-hes not like that. Are you sure it was him?"

Yeosang nodded in defeat. He watched with wide eyes as jisung went storming into taehyungs room, slamming the door open.

Taehyung stirred awake, tired eyes looking at his brother who was fuming. "h-hyungie?"

"is it true? Jungkook kissed seri?" jisung asked, trying to control himself.

Taehyung bit his lip, not wanting to say anything as the image of them kissing replayed in his head.

"is it true taehyung?!" jisung yelled, anger released.

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