OCs: Caroline

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As promised, I give you information on one of my newest OCs, Caroline!

As promised, I give you information on one of my newest OCs, Caroline!

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Name: Caroline
Species: um... idek...
Homeworld: The Other World
Age: In technical official sense, between a few months and a year as of yet. Her exact date of "birth" is unknown, and she herself doesn't know all the numbers.

As with any Other World monster, the Beldam used scratch and determination to create her best monster yet.

To start off, Caroline's head is the same size as a normal human's. However, that's where the similarities pretty much end. Her blue hair is made of thin strands of string and thread, somehow almost mimicking real human hair at a glance. It's not exactly known what material specifically makes up Caroline's head, but it is light yet near indestructible and has a porcelain feel to it. Half of Caroline's face is her gaping, never-closing mouth with her six sharp teeth slightly sticking out, while the other half of her face is taken up by her massive vermilion button eyes.

Caroline's limbs are created with metal material. They are elongated for a long reach and the "elbows" are like plastic-rubber connecting the upper and lower arms. Her palm is like an iron ball bearing, but it is just smaller then the palm of a human hand. The fingers are needle thin and much longer then a human's, with the joints again connected by a plastic-rubber material. Caroline's "shoulder blades" are made of a metallic material with fake gold plating. Her legs and (presumably) her feet are made of the same materials as the arms and hands, so it seems.

Caroline's "skin" is entirely made of burlap fabric. There is a cut down the torso which extends all the way down to the waist, with velcro straps keeping the cut closed. Inside the body is what can best be described as Caroline's endoskeleton. This endoskeleton seems to be made of the same material as the arms and legs, and is just as thin. The rib cage can open up and move like individual fingers, as if it was built to grab and hold something...

Caroline has one word that can describe much of her actions, motivations, and even reasoning to an extent: Curiosity. Since she is from the Other World, Caroline is highly curious and intrigued by the Real World. She'll collect things that catch her "eye" and usually keeps them tucked away somewhere. She'll also often mimic people as well, such as wearing clothes and doing mundane human actions like waving. Such example was the time she tried to use lipstick. However, she didn't have actual lips, so she put the lipstick along the top of her teeth. And when you, a legit monster, walk around with red lipstick on your teeth...

Yet Caroline is rather quiet. She was always made to never question what she's told by the Beldam, but even after liberation she still often uses her hands and small noises to get her message across. She was originally created without a voice until "late in development," so she may just not be used to her capacity to physically speak. Still, if she can't get her message across by hand, she will speak out in a somewhat high pitched yet quiet and raspy tone. Like a... a creepy, ghostly little girl's voice.

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