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At times like this I'm glad that I was born deaf. Frank who of course couldn't hear was yelling my name behind the police tape as the police restricted him from coming any closer than even I have traveled. I was sitting next to Andrea's body and my hands trembled as they hovered over the white sheet aching to reveal Andrea but I was too scared. Police didn't even try to stop me, probably because they think the deaf girl doesn't read the DO NOT CROSS written on the police tape.

Someone touches my shoulder and I turn. It's Andrea. I know I'm not the type to believe in spirits or ghosts because that means I'm going batshit crazy or my feelings are getting to me. She's  florescent, light radiating off of her. I cry even more and my stupid deaf noise probably rings out toward the press that have a clear view of my crying noises and face. I don't care though I reach out but she takes a step back and shakes her head no as if it was a sin to even touch her. Tears are running down her cheeks and she turns around and the apparition leaves almost vanishing.

I go back to the white sheet that covers her body. I rest my head against Andrea's cold hard stoned body and I weep. Someone else touches my shoulder, this time it's the interpreter.

"They want to talk to you, the press," she signs and I slowly get up and walk over to the reporters and wipe my face a bit, the press should know what an amazing person Andrea was and still is dead or alive. They press a mircophone to my face.

"You've got to be kidding me," I sign and the interpreter translates for them and they point the microphone to the interpreter.

I breathe hard before nodding and the press start asking me questions that the interpreter translates for me. They let Frank stand next to me in case they need him too.

"Do you believe the deaf community should be gated off from the rest of the world?,"

"I believe everyone needs to grow the fuck up and realize that we are human beings too! I want equality! Mom, Dad if your watching this FUCK YOU! Okay I'm done go get another deaf daughter to fucking boss around and take advantage of! Leave me alone okay I'm fucking done I don't give two shits if I'm signing too quick for you! -Frank let me go!," I sign rapidly and I punch the camera screen not caring if millions of people are watching me flip out. Frank excuses us with a simple flick of his finger as he carries me away from the scene.

"LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!," I sign and of course Frank is as good as the blind. No offense. He can't see me and it makes me mad, mad at the world mad at Andrea mad at stupid Max, everyone.

He finally puts me down in front of his car where he parked it and inside in the back seat is Marley and she gets out and I breathe hard.


"No one fucking touch me I swear no one!," I sign and Frank backs up looking at me with sorrowful eyes. Marley stays where she is, "Marley I swear get the hell away from me I just want to be alone," I sign to her as I cry choking on my own breath.

"I didn't want this to happen either, I'm sorry," Marley signs and she's crying too I can tell by her facial expression she's hiding something from me.

"Your hiding something from me!," I sign angrily and Frank looks down at the ground as if he was in on it too.

"I called your parents to pick you up I thought this would be too much for you," Marley signs slowly and my heart cripples into a million pieces. I'm going back to those who hate me the most.

"Fuck you and you too Frank I don't ever want to see you guys ever again!," I sign to both of them and Frank goes forward but that just gets me backing up away from both of them with disbelief in my eyes. Marley looks at me and covers her mouth. In the distance I see a light coming in, a light coming from a car, my parents car.

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