Dracula (Monster Squad)

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This is an example story (Also I know in the movie Drac is a bit mean, but in this he will have a soft spot for Vallie. Plus, Drac is still a gentleman no matter what movie he's in.)

Name: Vallie Vixen
Hair: Long, brown, pulled up
Eyes: Dark green

Warnings: Abuse, cursing 

Takes place in 21th century 


It was dark out, and me being me, I sat near a pond somewhere in the woods, reading with a soft smile. I giggled softly at a character in my book making a sarcastic comment to his friend. I suddenly heard a twig crack and became alerted. I looked around then stood up with my book to my chest. "Hello?" I asked in curiosity. I heard another crack as I walked closer to it. I tilted my head and reached my hand out. I was suddenly tackled to the ground by a grey wolf, causing my book to fly out of my hand as I pinned to the ground. I struggled against it and wondered if this was my final moment alive before being eaten. It was harshly knocked off me as I didn't bother seeing what did and stood up, running for my life in case it decided to try for a second time. I tripped over a root and ended up hitting my head on a rock. I groaned and rolled onto my back, holding my head with my eyes closed. I opened them to see my vision was a bit blurry, but managed to make out a figure in a cape walking towards me. I tried blinking away the blurriness, but my head hurt so much. The last thing I saw was a pair of blue eyes as the figure picked me up.

I wake up on my bay window and looked around. "It was just a dream." I said softly and held my head then looked in my lap to see my book on my lap with a note on top. I took off the note and read it aloud. "Instead of investigating a noise like how you stupid humans do, it may be best if you just head home. Don't be stupid next time. Also, you seem to have forgot this. Be careful when you go into the woods alone at night. I may not be able to save you stupid human from a simple wolf. I hope you have a good morning, stupid girl. ~D" I read then looked at my book. "So it wasn't a dream." I said. I got up and sat the note on my desk and walked down stairs. "About time you wake up, bitch. I need you to clean this pile of trash you call a 'house' up. We're having a Halloween party tonight." My boyfriend, Eric, said as I sighed softly. "Of course, dear. Right away." I said softly and started cleaning. "Was that sass I'm hearing?" He asked as he started walking up to me angrily. "No! I was just-" I was cut off when he backhanded me. I fell to the ground and held my cheek. He walked out of the house as I started crying softly and started cleaning up. 

After cleaning for an hour or so, I walked up to the bathroom to look in the mirror and see a bruise on my cheek. I sighed softly and decided to stay in my room until the party. I sat on my bay window and looked out at the beautiful sunny day. I see a black cat walk along the roof and smiled, opening my window. "Well, hello, Gore. It's nice to see you again." I said with a soft giggle as he meowed and nuzzled my hand while I petted him. He began to purr as I gently picked him up and sat him on my desk. I talked to him until night arrived. I stood up and hummed softly as I began to get dressed as a vampire. I know such a cliche outfit, but who doesn't like a bit of cliche? After getting my outfit on, I sat at my desk and looked at my bruised cheek and neck, tracing them gently. Gore meowed as I looked at him and smiled then petted him. I began to put on my make-up as I start to hear people walk in and chat about how the day is going and stuff. I put on my fangs and stood up, looking at my outfit. 


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