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I looked out on stage to see the judges and looked at the crowd and smiled. I managed to get my two brothers, my best friend, my cousin to sign up on Britain's Got Talent. We are an a cappella group inspired by Pentatonix and VoicePlay. "Cappellas you're up next!" Ant said as I smiled excitedly.

I'm mostly excited to meet Simon again. I met him the cafe where I work. He comes in from time to time to get his English Tea. "Andi, you sure about this?" Robert, my older brother, asked as I smiled at him. "Absolutely! Besides, we don't have to win as long as we're having fun!" I said happily. "I agree! We sound amazing as a group!" Tyler, my best friend said with a smile.

"Cappellas, you're up!" Dec said as we started to walk out with 'Under Pressure' playing in the background and stopped when we each stood at a microphone. "Hello!" Mel B said as I waved happily. "Hello!" I said happily. "What's your name?" Amanda asked as I smiled happily. "I'm Andi. That's Tyler, Robert, Zac, and Aaron!" I said and gestured to them as they waved.

"You're so cute, I might take you home with me. You make the best tea, so that'll be a plus." Simon said as I blushed and giggled softly with the crowd. "Are you guys related?" David asked as I nodded. "Everyone except Tyler. Sorry, Ty." I said with a smile as the crowd laughed while Tyler shrugged with a smile.

"Well, the stage is yours!" Mel B said as was we got stolen for Tyler (beat boxer), Zac (bass). I (soprano/alto) stood behind them as Robert (high tenner/alto) and Aaron (low tenner) stood beside me. Tyler began to make the music.

(Legit check this a cappella group out! I love 'em!)
Once the lights in the stage turned back on at the end of the song, the crowd started cheering as we made out way to the front of the stage. "PUSH THAT BUZZER!" They cheered as the judges seem to ponder. David went to hit it, but Simon beat him to it as the crowd cheered more. We hugged each other as we cheered with happy tears.

After playfully fighting with David, Simon came up on stage with us and joined the hug. "You guys were amazing. I knew there was more to you then a pretty face." He said and looked at me as I giggle. "Congratulations. You've made it to the live show." He said as he kissed my cheek. The guys picked up the gold confetti and dumped them on me as I turned to them with a giggle. "I expect to see you in the coffee shop." Simon said with a wink and walked back to his seat.


He actually has been stopping by the coffee shop more recently now. He would just sit at the counter and ask how everything is going or just ask simple things like my favorite color. After hours though he would leave so we could practice our next performance. Well, today's the day. For our entrance we had 'zombies' come out of the dark and scare the crowd. A few jumped out and scared the judges as we started singing.

Eat, sleep and breathe that you're full of the stuff
Go back and tie it up tight
Wheat, meat, dairy-free tea, total happy clappy high on life
You should try it

I sung while me and the group pretend to seek shelter as we traveled through the crowd and pass the judges on to the stage.

You should know (You should know) go on while no one's looking
A-ha, caught you now (caught you now)

I sung as the light turned off as we used flash lights to look around. The lights turned back on to show Robert as a zombie while we ran away, dodging other zombies.

Caught you red handed in the biscuit tin
Cost you to keep me quiet
Hm haha, ha hm haha...
Lalala la lalala la

I sung as the lights turned off again as we used flashlights and slowly walked down the aisle. When they turned one, Aaron was now a zombie. We ran and jumped over a few zombies.

Golden boy boots, pocket pedestal, making smart sharp moves
Plastic, tin can, paper, separated
Busy bee wave, wave save the planet flag
But sneaky in suburbia
A-ha! Candid camera

I sung as the lights turned off again. Once they turned back on, Zac was now a zombie as the circles me and Tyler. I grabbed his hand and ran onto the stage.

Hook the line and sinker for the four-wheel drive
Cost to keep me quiet
Keep me quiet, keep me quiet

The lights turned off again as they made out way towards us. The lights turned on to show Tyler as a zombie to as they circled me. I pushed one away and ran around the room.

Nicest sweetest, utmost in everything
It's so charming, very charming
Well, reckon play the fool no one's ill at ease
And put the deepest Swiss trust trust in you
No one saw it coming

I sung as I stopped in front of the judges tables while the guys tore my clothes, mess up my hair, and smeared 'blood' on me. We stood in front of the judges tables and looked scary.


The rest of the zombies surrounded the desk as the lights came back on. To show me getting close to Simon before going off again as I placed my lips gently on his. The lights turned back on to show him kissing back as everyone gasped. We walked back onto the stage as the crowd cheered. "Where you trying to kill us?" Mel B asked as we laughed in response. "That was amazing. It was spooky and it was fun." David said as we smiled.

"I think Simon loved it, but seeming him get a little lip action made him love it more." Amanda said as I blushed and giggled softly. "I found it absolutely wonderful how you where running and trying to survive the zombies. Do tell me, that kisses will be more involved. Not from the guys by the way. Sorry fellas." He said as we laughed with the crowd. "I don't know. You'll have to wait and see." I said with a shrug and a smile.

"Alright, voting time. David." Simon said as we looked at him. "I am still upset that he got the gold buzzer because you guys are amazing so I'm voting yes." David said as we nodded and looked at Mel B. "I would definitely love to see you guys again! It's a yes!" She said as we thanked her. "You guys are spectacular and an amazing a cappella group! You just keep raising the area higher and higher. It's a yes from me." Amanda said as we nodded and looked at Simon.

" have four yeses. Congratulations. You're moving onto the next round." He said as the crowd cheered. I smiled bright as the gang hugged me tightly. Simon and I made contact as he winked at me. I smiled and blew him a kiss as he caught it. I waved goodbye as we excited the stage. "You guys were terrific!" Ant said excitedly as we high five him and Dec. Wow. What a day.

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