Ch. 4 Barrens

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~Y/n pov~

We met up at the barrens, and left our bikes near the entrance.

"That's poison ivy." Stan said pointing to random plants, "And that's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy."

"Where?" Eddie asked worriedly, "Where's the poison ivy?"

"Nowhere." Richie stated annoyed, "Not every fucking plant is poison ivy, Stanley."

"Okay well," Eddie told us, "I'm starting to get ichy now and I'm pretty sure this is not good for my-"

I cut him off.

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" I asked walking into the sewers.

"Sometimes, yeah." Eddie replied cautiously.

"Then you probably have crabs." Richie finished smirking at Eddie's reaction.

Eddie sighed, "That's so not funny!"

Bill shined his flashlight further into the tunnel.

Me and Richie turned around to see Eddie and Stan still stood at the entrance.

"Aren't you guys coming in?" I asked.

Eddie looked at the water and shook his head, "Uh-Uh. It's greywater."

I rolled my eyes, "What the hell's greywater?"

"It's basically," Eddie inhaled deeply, "Piss and shit! So I'm just telling you, you guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee so... "

Richie picked up a stick and sniffed it.

"A-are you serious?" Eddie asked incredulously, "What are you.."

"Doesn't smell like caca to me Señor." Richie said in a Spanish accent.

"O-Okay." Eddie stuttered, "I can smell that from here." Eddie complained.

"It's probably just your breath wafting back into your face." I said using gestures.

Eddie sighed deeply in annoyance, "H-have you ever heard of a staph infection?"

"Oh, I'll show you a staff infection." Richie picked a bag up using the stick.

Eddie continued to ramble on, not noticing, "This is so unsanitary. You're literally.... This is literally like swimming inside of a toilet bowl right now. I mean.. Have you ever heard of Listeria?"

Richie flung the bag at Eddie.

"Nooo!" Eddie screamed taking a step back in am attempt to avoid the bag, but it ended up hitting his in the waist.

"A-are you retarded?" Eddie stammered, "You're the reason why we're in this position right now."

"Guys!" Bill yelled, grabbing our attention.

He was holding a shoe in one hand and his flashlight in the other.

"Shit! Don't tell me that's..." Stan said shakily.

"No. G-g-georgie wore galoshes." Bill stuttered.

Me and Richie walked over and stood next to Bill looking at the shoe.

"Whose sneaker is it?" Eddie asked scared.

"It's Betty Ripsom's." I stated.

"Oh, shit!" Eddie mumbled, "Oh, God, Oh, fuck!"

His voice gradually got louder, "I don't like this."

"How do you think Betty feels?" Richie asked.

I could sense a joke coming, but knew this wasn't a good time.

Richie looked at us all for a reaction, "Running around these tunnels with only one fricking shoe?" he hopped on one foot.

Everyone stared at him and stayed silent, his grin dropped.

"Beep beep Rich." I whispered to him, seeing his cheeks tint red.

"what's if she's still here?" Stan asked his voice shaky.

Eddie quickly looked at him scared.

Me, Richie and Bill turned, going deeper into the tunnel.

"Eddie, come on!" I yelled behind us.

"My mom will have an aneurysm okay, if she finds out we're playing down here!" Eddie starts, "I'm serious!"

"Bill?" Eddie asks causing him to turn around.

"If.. If I was Betty Ripsom, I would want us to find me." Bill states.

We all looked away sadly.

"G-georgie too." he stuttered.

Eddie suddenly spoke up, "What if I don't want to find them?"

We all turned to look at him.

"I mean, no offense Bill," Eddie continued, "I don't want to end up like..."

Bill looked at him sadly.

Eddie sighed trying to think of the right words, "I don't want to go missing either."

"He has a point." Stan agreed.

"Y-you t-too?" Bill asked.

"It's summer!" Stan yelled out, "We're supposed to be having fun, this isn't fun."

Bill turned and looked at me and Richie.

Richie shrugged in response, neither of us knowing what to say, not wanting to make it any worse.

"This is scary and disgusting." Stan finished.


We all turned startled to see this boy had fell into the water and he seemed to be bleeding.

Me and Richie came out of the pipe.

"Holy Shit! What happened to you?" we asked simultaneously.


762 words

A/n this story was one of my first so if you're gonna hate on it you can leave. I know it's not that good.

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