Ch. 6 Street fighter

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~Y/n pov ~

Me and Richie grabbed our bikes and left, heading to the arcade.

We were biking in silence, it wasn't comfortable, but it wasn't uncomfortable either.

Finally, Richie spoke up, "Hey, after this..can go somewhere else?"

"Sure," I responded, "Where were you thinking?"

"It's a surprise." Richie winked at me, making me blush.

He grinned noticing my blush.

I looked up, "Oh would you look at that we're here."

"Huh?" Richid turned back forwards, swerving his bike, "Oof."

I laughed slightly putting my bike in the bike rack then running over to Richie.

"Are you okay?" I asked him offering him my hand.

"Y-yeah." He stuttered, now it was his turn to blush, but I think it was more from embarrassment.

Without a word, he grabbed my hand and dragged me into the arcade, making a b-line for street fighter.

He let go and put in his quarter, starting a game.

I smiled sadly, missing the warmth of his hand but almost immediately forgetting it as I hear Richie violently jamming the buttons.

"Ugh." Richie groaned as the screen displayed the words, 'game over.'

I smiled gently shoving him aside, "Watch the pro."

I sniled expertly pushing button and pushing the joystick.

Richie just watched amazed at my skill.

I beat Richie's score than more than double.

Richie's jaw dropped.

I grinned at his reaction, "Told you so!"

We played a few more rounds before Richie told me he wanted to take me somewhere.

I of course agreed and here I was, biking after Richie to some unknown location.

"It's around here but we have to walk the rest of the way." Richie informed me and we dropped our bikes.

"I need to cover your eyes." Richie told me.

"What?" I was scared of falling without my vision.

Richie gave me puppy dog eyes, making my knees go weak.

I gave in, "Fine, but if I fall your dead Tozier."

"Okay sweetcheeks." Richie joked putting his hands over my eyes, "no peeking."

My cheeks flushed, "Don't call me that."

Richie gently guided me and eventually we came to a stop.

Richie took his hands off my eyes, "Ta-dah!"

"Woah." we were in a beautiful meadow, we were on top of the hill and on the hill there was a big tree.

At the bottom of the hill, there was a small river.

I smiled as Richie sat against the tree motioning me to do the same.

I sat next to him, "Is this where you come to think?"

"Y-yeah and I'm sharing it with you." Richie smiled nervously.

"That makes me feel special." I smiled at him.

"I wanna confess something," Richie gulped.

I gave him a nod signalling him to continue.

"I like you!" His cheeks flushed as he looked away, "I understand if you do-"

I grabbed his face, cutting him off and smashed our lips together in a short but passionate kiss.

I grinned cheekily at him, "I like you too."


507 words

A/n too soon?

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