Ch. 13 The house on Neibolt Street

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~Y/n pov ~

We got off our bikes and saw Bill's bike discarded nearby, Bill was stood at the door of the creepy house.

"Bill! Bill you can't go in there!" Bev yelled , "This is crazy."

Bill frowned , "Look you don't have to come in with me."

He started to tear up, "But what happens when another Georgie goes missing or another Betty or another Ed Corcoran. O-or one of us, are you just gonna pretend it didn't happen like everyone else in this town? I can't."

We all looked at his sadly.

"I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys , his stupid stuffed animals. So walking into this house is easier than walking into my own."

"Wow." Richie said in shock.

Bev looked at him, "What?"

I smiled slightly , "He didn't stutter once."

We started walking up the stairs to follow Bill.

"Wait ," Stanley called out, "Um shouldn't we have people keep watch? Y-you know just in case something bad happens."

"Wow Stan didn't know you were such a pussy." I smirked.

"Y/N!" Bev smacked me upside the head.

"Who wants to stay out here?" Bill asked.

Everyone but me and Bev put there hands up.

"Richie seriously , you pussy." I grinned.

He sighed , "Ugh fine n/n!"

Me, Richie , Eddie and Bill entered the house, the door groaned in protest.

"You're lucky we're not measuring dicks." Richie complained.

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up Richie."

"I can smell it." Eddie complained.

"Don't breathe through your mouth." Richie told him.

Eddie turned to us, "Why?"

I smiled , "Because then you're eating it."

Eddie gagged taking his inhaler.

Richie turned around and walked off somewhere, curious I followed him.

He pulled a piece of paper out of some branches.

It was a poster of Richie.

"It says I'm missing." Richie panicked.

"Richie you're not missing." I reassured him as Bill and Eddie walked over.

"That's my face , that's my shirt , that's my hair..." Richie rambled on as I tried to calm him down.

"Calm the fuck down Richie."

Of course he ignored me, getting more worked up.

I couldn't think of anything else to do, I smashed our lips together as they danced together.

"You okay?" He nodded slightly, as he sniffed and rubbed his tear stained cheeks.

I smiled kindly taking his hand as he clung to me like a child.

It was kinda cute but now was not the time.

"Let's go." I pointed upstairs as Bill and Eddie nodded.

Bill went first , followed by me and Richie, Richie refused to let go of me , and Eddie was at the back.

"Hello?" A female voice called out, we froze in shock, before following the voice.

There was Betty laying on the floor.

"Betty?" Bill asked slightly scared.

She let out an ear piercing scream as she was dragged away.

Richie jumped burrying his head into my shoulder.

We cautiously walked forwards , Richie still clung to me.

We entered the room and suddenly the door slammed, I turned to see Eddie gone.

"Eddie !" I banged on the door but it wouldn't open.

Eddie started screaming as Bill tried to break the door down.

We heard a loud crash.

Me and Bill continued yelling out to Eddie .

Suddenly I heard a voice , "y/n?"

I turned around and slipped out of Richie's weakened grip, he didn't notice as he was too busy worrying about Eddie.

I walked into the room the voice was coming from and the door slammed closed behind me.

Jumping, I turned around in shock.

Richie and Bill began yelling out to me , "Y/n , Y/n."

"Guys the door is locked , it won't open!" I yelled back, starting to get scared.

I turned to see a bunch of clowns , "what in the fuck?"

My worst fear, I slowly crept towards towards this coffin.

I breathed slowly , trying to calm my erratic heart.

It opened and it was me and Richie covered in worms and maggots.

I furrowed my eye brows , slowly stepping back.

It jumped out scaring the shit out of me.

I screamed backing away.

"Beep beep y/n !" He grinned and lunged for me.

Turning on my heel, I sprinted away as fast as I could.

The door opened as if it wasn't locked and I slammed it on Pennywise's face.

I sighed in relief , putting my hand on my heart , "That was fucking close."

A crying Richie jumped into my arms, "I thought I lost you, I fucking thought I lost you!"

He sobbed as I slowly wrapped my arms around his tall figure.

I rubbed his head comfortingly as he hiccuped on sobs and sniffled.

"Bill we need to find Eddie and get out of here fast ." I told him as he nodded .

Richie leant into my side, refusing to leave it.

Suddenly a head popped out of the sofa, it was Eddie but not.

"Hey guys." He grinned crazily , "wanna play loogie?"

Some weird black substance oozed out of his mouth, we jumped away and turned to see three doors.

They had writing on , from what I hoped was red paint, they read :

Very scary


Not scary at all

We all glanced at eachother unsurely.


885 words

A/n any recommendations of good shows ?

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