Chapter 42 - Ellen Academy (III)

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The key difference between S-class mechas and other smart mechas was that S-class mechas could complete a mental match with their owners, connecting their AI directly to the owner’s brain. Through this, the owner could control the mecha with their thoughts.

There weren’t more than ten S-class mechas in the whole of the empire, and the people who could use them were mainly either corps commanders or the people who had been selected to succeed them. That his uncle had secretly given this mecha to him made Xi Wei feel excited and overwhelmed at the same time.

He couldn’t help but ask, “Uncle, I have to hide this mecha away too, right, and not let people find about it?”

Berg smiled and said, “That’s right. I developed this mecha in secret, and didn’t register it with the Imperial Mecha Association.”

This wasn’t a surprise. The Mecha Association definitely wouldn’t allow Berg to hand over an S-class mecha to an omega to pilot. So he had developed the mecha in private, and escaped the oversight of the Mecha Association.

“Xi Wei, you have to be careful. The S-class mechas in the empire can be counted on one hand, and they’re all very familiar with each other. Egret hasn’t been registered with the Mecha Association, so he’s a stranger to them. If the other S-class mechas discover him, they’re likely to automatically designate him as an enemy, and attack him with heavy firepower. You’d be put in a very dangerous situation.”

Xi Wei nodded seriously. “I know. I won’t use him lightly. I’ll only pilot him when I absolutely have to.”

Berg said, “Good. Fortunately, Egret is a flight-type mecha. He has the highest flexibility and flying speed in the empire, but his combat ability isn’t as high as the other military S-class mechas. In the future, if you come across danger, if you can’t defeat it, then run. Understand?”

Xi Wei smiled and said, “I understand!”

If you can’t defeat it, then run—that was the best policy. In the years that his uncle had been hiding in the palace, secretly developing mecha, there was no way that he could have stealthily made a combat mecha with advanced firepower capabilities. He certainly couldn’t have gotten his hands on things like particle cannons or nuclear warheads. It was already amazing enough that he had made the fastest mecha in the empire on the sly.

The only thing was that S-class mechas were mentally controlled. The mecha needed to go through a mental match with its owner. If the pilot’s mental threshold wasn’t high enough, or the person himself couldn’t attain the mecha’s recognition, he might receive a mental backlash from the mecha rejecting him. He might even be designated an enemy, and be internally destroyed.

Berg continued, “Right now, following my preprogrammed orders, Egret has automatically activated and completed a preliminary version of the mental match. If you want him to thoroughly submit to you, you need to enter the cockpit and do a complete mental match with him. You should get in and let Egret form a connection between his AI and your brain.”

“Okay!” Xi Wei walked into the cockpit, and found that the interior was incredibly spacious. The cabin’s decor was countless times more beautiful and refined than that of a C-class mecha, and there was a high-definition navigation screen in the cabin. It also had a bedroom to use on long-distance trips, that came fully equipped with a large, soft bed and complete bathroom facilities. That was to say, now that he had Egret, he could go wherever he wanted in the Empire. As long as he avoided the danger zones, it was no problem even if he traveled around the entire universe!

Full of excitement, Xi Wei sat down in the pilot seat. All around him were white threads glowing softly, that were probably the mecha’s neural fibers. As soon as he sat down, the soft threads wound like vines around his wrist. The screen in front of him instantly showed the ongoing status of the mental match. The progress bar was filling up fast.

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