Chapter 7 - Childhood Sweetheart (II)

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Not long after Xi Wei was born, Berg once took him to the palace and said, “As an Omega Prince, you can only stay in the palace like me, and when you reach adulthood, His Majesty will choose the right alpha to marry and have children with you.” At that time, Xi Wei had yet to understand the meaning of these words, and optimistically thought that the one who would be giving birth must be the alpha.

Now, however, he had figured out the rules of the world. If Uncle Berg were to be married, he would definitely be marked by an Alpha and later expected to give birth to some children.

Thinking of this, Xi Wei felt very unwilling. His uncle was a really good person, why should he be forced to marry and give birth to some alpha’s children? Why couldn’t he be free to find and choose someone that he actually liked?


When Xi Wei met Uncle Berg the next day, he couldn’t help asking, “Uncle, yesterday I heard father say that you are getting married?”

Berg was sitting on the couch, reading a book. When he heard this, he paused and answered calmly, “Yes, the wedding has been decided, it’s this year.”

Xi Wei asked, “Have you seen the alpha yet?”

“I have,” answered Berg.

Xi Wei asked again, “Do you like him?” ”

Berg smiled and put down his book, he looked back at Xi Wei and said, “It doesn’t matter whether I like him or not. You are too young to understand this. As princes, a lot of things are beyond our control. You will learn to understand this as you grow up.”

Xi Wei: “…”

Truthfully, Xi Wei did understand. Uncle Berg’s marriage must be related to some kind of political reasons. The alpha chosen by His Majesty certainly would not be someone from a simple family. The alpha’s family background must be prominent enough to warrant a beneficial relationship with the Imperial Family.

Honestly speaking, this kind of political union was very common in monarchical countries. Not only the Princes, the Princesses marriages also rarely happened as a result of their own decisions. The marriage of a royal family member was more like a transaction of power and political interest. Xi Wei knew about many countries’ histories, and had long been aware of this.

But, looking at Uncle Berg’s calm expression, Xi Wei still could not help but feel that it was unfair. In these two years, he had gotten to know just how very talented his uncle is. It would be such a waste for him to be married off so early.

Meanwhile, Berg had been watching Xi Wei, and seeing the helpless expression on his small face made Berg unable to hold back a small fond chuckle from escaping his mouth. He picked Xi Wei up and seated him down on the sofa next to him, then said in a soft voice, “You don’t have to worry, I have personally investigated the alpha that His Majesty has selected for me. He is a very honest man. I am a prince, so I think he will not dare to disrespect me after our marriage… I’ll come back to visit you in the palace whenever I have the chance.”

Hearing this, Xi Wei’s heart finally felt a bit soothed. He nodded, “Okay. ”

Berg continued, “Xi Wei, when you grow up, if there comes a time when you also have to enter a political marriage like me, you must remember to never yield yourself to your fate, you cannot lose your own sense of self. The two of us have higher mental strength than even some alphas, so take advantage of it. Don’t waste the best genes that you have inherited as a member of the royal family.” Berg paused and looked at Xi Wei, who was listening earnestly, and smiled slightly. He touched his head and continued, “Everything I said today, you must remember. I’m sure you will understand what I mean when you grow up. ”

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