25. (Y/n)s' bad feeling

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((Y/n)s') FoV)
I sat next to Steve, who was lying in his bed unconsciously.

He was curled up and winced multiple times, moaning and whimpering. He was caught in a fever dream after we were able to remove the poison from his body.

I sighed and gently stroke over his overheating forehead. He winced under my touch and calmed down a little bit.

Suddenly he yelped. "Hero! Where are you? Don't go! Hero!" Then he started to whimper and curled up more.

I was worried about him, but then Xalphire entered. She carried a few bottles with different fluids, one of them definitely being a healing potion.

She put the potions down on the bedside table and looked at Steve. "How is he today?", she asked, carefully patting his hair.

"He's still in a fever dream and it seems to get worse every day. I just hope Hero returns soon, he can help Steve more than we all.", I answered.

Xalphire took one of the potions, a purplish-pink color. She opened the bottle and carefully put some of the fluid on Steve's tongue.

He swallowed a few moments later and calmed down a lot more than before.

We both sighed and looked at each other. Then I stood up.

"I'mma go outside so you can help Steve a little bit better. Just ask if you need help.", I said and went downstairs, leaving Xalphire and Steve alone.

I walked through the almost completely empty HQ.

Jeb, Hero, Nightmare and now also Notch we're all gone, leaving me, Xalphire, Steve and Zomb. Everyone else was either dead or gone.

I sighed and went outside, sitting down in the stairs of the HQ.

Where are you, Hero...
I miss you so much!

(Hero's FoV)
I walked through the empty forest, way further away from Nightmare and the HQ, my house and everything else.

The sword I dragged behind me left a deep trail in the hoarse dirt as I slowly left the forest, entering a sand biome where I put the first sand pyramid, right before (y/n) and I met.

I felt a stitch in my heart as I thought about her. Her (h/c) hair, her (e/c) eyes, her body... Everything was perfect.

And then she meets someone like me, whose whole live is a fucking mess.

Someone who is a demon.

Someone who is a fucking murderer.

I will never be able to see her again. I'm too scared I could hurt her too.

"It's not your fault, Hero! We would've killed ourselves already if we were you, but you kept pressing on, no matter what happened!", Notch growled as he held me by my shoulders, desperately trying to make me brave again.
"But no one died because of you. No one got killed as you put your hands into the situation! But it always happened when I did it.", I whispered, slightly crying.
Notch sighed and hugged me, soon after (y/n) did as well.
"It's not your fault, Hero. It never was."

It never was my fault...

Empty words, just there to not make me commit suicide.

I sighed and put my backpack down, sitting down next to the pyramid.

With a little bit of hesitance I grabbed an apple from my backpack, looking at it for a long time before biting into it, ripping a piece out with my long canines.

As I ate my apple, I thought.

"I should've known... We can't change you back, Hero. You had the only magic book left of that kind.", Jeb whispered, closing his eyes.
I turned around, unable to look at anyone. I should've listened to my own mind, telling me to not use that spell.
"And I should've known that I'm not supposed to let you out of the Nether!", Notch growled.

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