35. Fixing a broken heart

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(Nightmare's FoV)
I felt Hero fall asleep in my arms, his head snuggled into my chest as he shifted a little bit on my lap.

I smiled and kissed him softly on the forehead before carefully lifting him off me and laying him down on the bed, tucking him in.

Hero gripped the sheets softly as I went a step back. He pulled the covers closer to him and buried his head in them, causing only his hair to stick out under them.

I sat down on a chair on the other side of the room, watching him sleep as I began to feel a bit drowsy with each minute passing.

Then I unexpectedly passed out.

Jeb came inside, looking at us both before smiling and closing the blinds. Before he left, he put a blanket over me and stroke over my hair. Then he left the room, shutting the lights off.

(A few hours later)
A loud screech broke the comfortable silence of my dream, causing me to snap out of it with a jump.

As soon as my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, I saw that Hero was sitting on the bed, trembling heavily before breaking down into tears.

I stood up from the chair and went to him, softly pulling him into a hug.

He immediately grabbed my shirt and hugged me tightly, sobbing into my chest.

I took a deep breath and stroke over his back, whispering sweet nothings into his ears.

To my surprise he was in a state of shock I barely ever saw from him. His tail was puffed up and he was scared as all fuck. His ears were flat on his head and he whimpered every now and then.

I had no clue what to do in this kind of situation. Sure, I calmed down someone multiple times, but this was different.

The only thing I could do was to get someone to help.

"Hero? Should we go get Jeb?", I asked him carefully. He hesitantly nodded, clinging to me.

I sighed and stood up, his legs wrapped around my hips. My arms were wrapped around him so he wouldn't fall.

I knew that it was only 6 A.M., but we both knew that Jeb would help us any time.

So we went to his room.

I knocked, hearing someone move in the room. Only a few moments later the door opened, revealing a very tired looking Jeb.

"Wha- Hero!", he gasped, looking at us both. He took a step to the side so I could carry the quite light demon into his room and sit him down on the bed.

Jeb closed the door and came to us, sitting down next to Hero and rubbing over his slender shoulder.

"What happened?", he asked me. But I could only shrug. "I have no clue. I woke up because he screamed. And then he just broke down.", I explained. Jeb sighed and stroke over Hero's head.

"Did you have a bad dream?", he asked carefully. Hero nodded, his tail wrapped around him. He was still sobbing a bit, but Jeb was way better at calming him down than me.

"Do you want to talk about it?", I asked softly. Hero hesitated before nodding softly.

"I-I dreamed that everything that happened in the past will repeat itself over and over again, just like someone would be reading a book which we are characters in. After some time we will be forgotten and a new timeline starts, but even more brutal than ever before. After that, another timeline begins which is different from the last one and so it continues until everything suddenly stops and we're all caught in a dark place where no one can escape from.", he started, tears running over his cheeks as he told us this.

I sat down next to him, softly rubbing over his back.

Hero started to sob. "I-I'm scared... I don't want that to happen!"

I softly hugged him as he started to sob again. Jeb looked at him worriedly before hugging him as well.

"That won't happen, Hero. We're all save and nothing bad will happen to anyone. We're one big family which always stays together and we'll fight together against a big danger.", he whispered and stroke over Hero's back. "I promise."

He nodded, still very sad.

"Hero, like Jeb said, nothing bad will happen. And even if, we're all still here for you.", I mumbled, holding him close.

It took us a few minutes before he calmed down, still hugging me.

Jeb, who changed clothes in the meanwhile, came to us again and softly petted Hero's head. "Is it better now?", he asked.

Hero nodded and smiled weakly. "Yes.", he whispered. Jeb smiled as well and stroke over his ears.

I released him and looked into his eyes. "I'm glad you feel better now.", I said, gently stroking over his tail.

Hero raised his ears and looked at me, seemingly surprised.

I just now noticed what I did and started to blush, burying my face in my hands. "Sorry!"

Hero was completely silent, so Jeb asked the question everyone has been asking themselves.

"Nightmare, do you have a crush on Hero?"

I went silent while cursing myself on the inside.

Damnit! I made it way too obvious! I'm so stupid! What if he doesn't feel the same way like me?! I messed up, didn't I?! I-

I was cut off as Hero placed a kiss on my lips, causing me to flinch.

Jeb smiled softly as we shared a tender kiss as soon as I relaxed.

"Well, I mean... You two are a perfect couple, better than Hero and (Y/n).", he chuckled and watched us.

Hero broke the kiss, blushing. "Stop asking yourself if I feel the same."

I blushed even heavier and whimpered. "And you should stop reading my mind.", I whined.

Hero chuckled and stroke over my cheek. "Nah."

I lowered my head subconsciously and pressed it against his soft and warm hand.

Man, why did I even attack him all this time ago? If I would've known what kind of person he is, I'd have left him in peace.

Jeb watched us, still quite surprised. But he didn't bother say anything against it. He let us do our thing.

A few minutes later we stood up, saying thanks to him and leaving, going back to Heros' room. There we laid down and fell asleep, hugging each other tightly.

1084 words

Herobrine and Nightmare,
sitting on a tree.


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