Chapter 7: Before the Date

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Mimi had herself stuffed up in her room. Normally she would care that she was home on a Friday night but not anymore. Her heart was aching and her eyes were puffy and red. She had been crying all afternoon despite the fact that she had broken up with Izzy a couple days ago. The pain just didn't seem to be easing away.

She never wanted to break up with him, the words just spit out of her mouth in anger. She regretted instantly but she also knew they were going to break up eventually. She ended it quicker than it would have happened before. Who knows maybe she eased the pain?

She instantly picked up the phone and dialed Sora's number.

"Sora?" She said sniffling as soon as she heard the recieving end pick up.

"Hey Mimi what's wrong?" Her friend also having a sad tone to her voice.

Mimi was too upset to noticed and just burst out into tears. "I broke up with Izzy."

"What!" Sora's voice was full of clear shock.

"I just got so mad that he kept ditching me and then I kept thinking that we weren't going to be together after high school anyway so it would be best to end things now but now I regret it." She cried not taking a breath between words.

"Mimi, calm down. Listen to me. Maybe you're wrong about you and Izzy not lasting after highschool. Talk to him about it. You guys can get back together and..."

"After I made that huge scene about it! I can't Sora. It's over...I guess I'll just have to move on."

"That's not what you really want, sweetie."

"Life doesn't always give us what we want. Anyway cheer me up and tell me about how Tai took you in his arms and told you he wouldn't let Mike steal you away from him." She giggled at her imagination of Tai and Sora's perfect relationship.


"Sora?" Mimi said noticing her silence.

"Mike kissed me. In front of Tai."

"What? Oh my god and you let me talk for that long! What happened? What did Tai say? What did you say?" Mimi started screaming out a bunch of questions.

"He said 'Thanks alot Sora' and then left. I ran after him but he was gone. The dude is a fast runner due to soccer after all. It happened a couple of days ago and I haven't seen him since. He won't answer my texts or calls and I can't go to his dorm because that's where Mike is." Sora explained.

"Well how do you feel about the whole thing? How was kissing Mike again?"

"Honestly? Nothing. There was nothing there at all. Maybe I don't still love him... I don't know I'm just so confused. All I know is the look on Tai's face destroyed me. Completely."

"I think we need time away from the real world, Sora." Mimi said sighing as she laid back on her bed with the phone up to her ear. "Road trip or something."

"You know what? You're so right. Next weekend you, me, and the October Festival on Laiana Island."

"Seriously? What about school?"

"Ehh whatever I'll miss some classes Friday. I'll do all my work for that week early. We'll leave early Friday morning and stay 'till Sunday afternoon. Just ditch school next Friday."

Mimi thought about it for a minute and then realized how much she really did need to get away. "Okay. Yeah let's go, I need a break, maybe I can find some guys on the beach to get my mind off Izzy."

"And I need to get away from this soap oprea I'm living in. Plus I could use some girl time."

"Great! I can't wait. Thanks Sora I really needed some cheering up. It's nice to have a real best friend."

Sora smiled through the phone. "Anytime Mimi just remember I'm always here for you. Now I have an essay to finish if we're hitting the beach next weekend. Night!"

"Night." Mimi said feeling better but still thinking of him.


"Do I look okay?" Yolie asked standing in front of the mirror in Kari's living room. Tk was sitting on the couch waiting for the purple haired girl to leave so he could hang out with Kari.

"Yup your beautiful." Kari said looking at her friend from the couch next to Tk.

"Good I want Ken to notice." She said smiling at the new shirt she had bought for the occasion.

Tk looked up. "You do realize you're going on this date with Davis not Ken don't you?"

Kari giggled. "Don't burst her bubble, Tk."

"Well in my imagination I am going with Ken and Davis is going with that stupid girl what's her name...?"

"Megan?" Kari said looking up at her friend like she was going to laugh.

"Oh yeah her. Well that's what I'm going to tell myself in my head." Yolie said double checking her hair one more time.

"Well make sure to remember that Davis is your 'boyfriend' not Ken. You don't want to end up saying "I love you" to the wrong guy." Tk said jokingly as he put his arm around Kari and used his other hand to change the channel on the TV.

"I won't." Yolie said as she rolled her eyes. The doorbell rang and she jumped to go get it. "Hey Davis, are you ready? We have to make Ken so jealous!"

Davis looked at his two friends who had looked up at them trying not to laugh. "Help?" He asked.

"You're on your own dude." Tk said smirking. "You got yourself into this, you're the one who wanted the fried chicken."

"Haha." Davis said.

"Okay ready to go? Wish me luck Kari!" Yolie said dragging Davis out the door.

"Good luck!" Kari said laughing.

"How do you think this one is going to turn out?" Tk asked once the two had left.

Kari thought about it. "Let's see. Davis is going to see some pretty girl and start flirting with her. Ken's going to notice and ask Yolie what's up with Davis. Yolie will go find Davis. And well let's just say we'll never see Davis again."

Tk laughed. "That sounds about right. So what do you want to do?"

Kari shrugged. "We could..." She stopped and got up quickly running to the bathroom.

"Kari! Kari what's wrong!" Tk said panicing at the way she ran into the bathroom. He stood outside the closed door listening to her throwing up. "Kari!"

"I'm fine..." Kari said as she looked down into the toliet where she had just puked feeling more scared at what she saw then she was at any of the other things that had gone wrong. Blood.

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