Chapter 11: Telling

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Kari's face went deathly pale and she could feel the fear rising through her. "B..bu..but..." She tried to think of something to say but when she couldn't she just burst out into tears. "We" She chocked out then her face became panicy. "Oh my god Tai! You said this was a genetic disease you have to have him checked out!"

"Kari calm down!" Yolie said sitting beside her best friend. "Everything is going to be okay. Davis will go and call Tai and I'm sure he'll rush right over. We'll have him get checked out to make sure he's alright, okay?"

Kari nodded teary eyed and laid back on the hospital bed. The doctor said she was to stay there and he would go contact her parents. Davis went to go find a place his cell phone had signal so he could call Tai.

Kari looked up at Yolie who was sitting beside her. "Yolie I need to see Tk." She croaked out tears streaming down her face.

Yolie's face filled with sadness knowing there was no way any of them could even contact Tk for another week. "I'm so sorry Kari. You know if there was ANY way we could get a hold of him we would."

Kari just nodded she turned her head to the side so she didn't have to face her friend. "Yolie, I'm not ready to die."

Yolie got a determined look on her face. "You are NOT going to die, Kari. We are going to find you a donor."

Kari looked back over at her. "But it's not that easy. And besides you said you knew someone with these symptoms. You knew someone with liver failure didn't you? And I bet they died didn't they?"

Yolie looked down sadly and started to cry herself. "Yes Kari they died but that doesn't mean you will! My uncle's case was caught way too late and they're giving you a much larger time limit to live then they gave him! Please Kari we'll fix this!"

"Everything was fine!" Kari cried. "I was happy! Tk was here and I had great friends! I was no longer getting bullied and I was really happy, Yolie! And now I'm freaken dying and who knows if I'll ever see Tk again!"

"What are you talking about of course you'll see him?"

"Yolie they say six months but what if they're wrong? Huh? What if I die today!" Kari screamed.

Yolie was crying alot when Davis came back into the room with a sad face based on the scene in front of him. "Your not going to die!" She screamed.

"Tai said he was on his way." Davis said quietly once they had calmed a bit down.


Tai had jumped into his car as soon as he had gotten the news. Now he was driving full speed down the highway.

He picked up his phone and dialed Izzy's number. Izzy picked up and Tai started talking quickly.

"Izzy my sister is in the hospital with some liver disease she inherited through some gene. She's really sick and it's not looking well. If she doesn't have a transplant she'll probably die. I need you to go down to the hospital and keep an eye on her for me. Yolie and Davis are with her right now but I need someone I know better there who will call me if something changes. I'm on my way but it's going to take me a little while." Tai finally stopped talking and took a deep breath.

"Holy crap. Okay I'll be right down there."

"Another thing while you're there can you look up some alternative methods of treatment on your computer?"

"Yeah of course Tai."

"Thanks Izzy." Tai said hanging up the phone and putting his foot on the pedal and speeding up.


Izzy grabbed his phone before getting into his car and dialed Sora's number. He knew Tai and her had been fighting but he wanted her to know what was going on.


"Hey Sora, it's Izzy."

"Oh hey Izzy, what's up?"

"Kari's really sick. Apparently some genetic liver disease that could take her life in a matter of months. Tai's rushing to the hospital here and I'm on my way. I just thought you should to know."



"You said it was genetic?"

"Uh yeah apparently."

"Well oh my god to Kari but I'm also worried that Tai has it!" The panic in her voice was evident.

"Well he seems fine but I'm sure everyone's going to make sure he gets tested to make sure he doesn't have the gene."

"What if he does?"

"Sora calm down if you're that worried come home." He heard the phone hang up on the other side. "What the...?" He questioned but just shook his head and got into his car to head to the hospital.


Sora turned around panicing to Mimi. "We have to go home! Kari's already on her last limb!"

"Oh my god..." Mimi muttered horrified.

Sora had tears coming down her face.

"You're scared Tai's going to have it too aren't you?" Mimi asked seeing her friend's expression.

Sora nodded and started to really cry. "I'm so scared, Mimi." She hugged her friend.

"Hey Sora?"


"I know this is so not the time but I think you just made your guy choice."


"Yolie go to work." Kari said. She had stopped crying and was just lying there in a daze.

"What?" Yolie snapped out her trance and looked towards her friend.

"Go to work. Your life doesn't need to stop because I got sick. Besides if you stop going now you'll get fired, you haven't been working there that long." Kari said. "Also Jill's here so it's not like you're leaving me here with just Mr. Poison Ivy."

Yolie looked over to where Jill was sitting silently and Davis was sleeping. The young girl had arrived about an hour after they found out. She also knew Kari's parents would be here any minute now but she felt guilty leaving her friend. "But..."

"Go." Kari ordered and she put up a smiled. "Make some money from the smelly chicken."

Yolie smiled weakly. "Okay, but I'll be back!"

"Okay." Kari said and she laid back and closed her eyes letting a tear fall. She needed help...she needed Tk.

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