Chapter 23: Smashed

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The girl turned and faced Yolie teary eyed. "I don't know what to do Yolie...Sora tells me I'm making a huge mistake but I mean I'm just saving myself from heartbreak right?"

Yolie shrugged. "I really don't know."

"Ugh what am I supposed to do? This whole situation is so confusing!"

"Go with your gut?" Yolie suggested walking up to her friend. "That's all I can really tell you. with your heart."

"Corny enough?" Mimi joked then turned back to face the rain. "I think I just need some time to think...I haven't exactly had any of that."

"Why don't we go get some get well soon presents for Kari and Tai?" Yolie suggested. "Nothing clears your mind better than a good shopping trip."

Mimi smirked. "You know me so well. Let's go!"

"Okay just let me text Ken so he knows where we went..."

"You know that kid spends an awful lot of time around you when he has some other girl he supposedly likes more." Mimi said putting on her sweatshirt getting ready to run through the rain to her car.

"Shut up." Yolie said putting her phone away and heading to the car with her.


Sora sighed as she sat next to a sleeping Tai. "You're a pain you know..." She shook her head. "When I first met you all you did was chase after me and now I have to do the chasing. I have to say it's a big pain." She joked.

"Anyway now it's time to wake up because unlike you I'm not so paitent. And I've spend enough time in the waiting room worried as hell. Yes I am worried even though you think I like my stupid ex-boyfriend better which I clearly don't because I'm here. I mean why can't you get it through that thick head of hair of yours and just forgive me. Because I'm sorry! I really am, I'm sorry, Tai..." She whispered wiping a tear that was falling on her face.

"I forgive you..." A voice whispered and Sora looked up shocked.

"Tai!" She screamed hugging him. "You're okay forgive me!"

"Were you insulting my hair?" He smirked but looked exhausted.

"You would be too if you looked in a mirror right now." She joked.

"Whatever..." He said smiling and slightly closing his eyes. "How's Kari?"

"She's still in surgery." Sora said. "They had to take out part of your liver before they could give it to her, remember?"

"Oh yeah. Well hows everyone else?"

"Matt and Jill are stuck in traffic. There's a huge storm outside so it's bad for driving so there's a back up. Everybody else is in the waiting room. I think. Well Mimi might still be outside..."

"Why is Mimi standing in the rain?"

"Long story..."

Tai just nodded and sighed.

"Why don't you go back to sleep. You need your rest you just had major surgery." Sora said seriously. "Get some sleep when you wake up Kari will be out of surgery."


"Wait one more thing."


"Do you really forgive me?"

Tai smiled. "Yes i really forgive you."

"I love you Tai."

"I love you too Sora."


"So do you like Yolie or what?" Davis asked suspiciously. "Because if you and your girlfriend are going to break up you can tell her I'm on the market."

"Davis!" Tk yelled shocked.

"Uh...why would you ask if I liked Yolie?" Ken asked awkwardly.

"Because you're sitting in a hospital waiting room because of her're here because of her. "Friends" don't come and wait at hospitals to see people they don't even know." Davis said accusingly.

"You know I came to see Mimi around a year ago in a hospital." Izzy added in thoughtfully.

"Because you were in love with her!" Davis said rolling his eyes. "And Yolie isn't the one in the hospital which is my point! You come to see your friends in the hospital not go with some girl to see her friends unless you care about her."

"Davis I have a girlfriend." Ken pointed out.

"And Tk over here has a pet fish what are we getting at?"

"His name is Sheldon." Tk said.

"Look I don't know why you're asking me this. I have a girlfriend, I like my girlfriend." Ken told him.

"Then why do you sound like you're trying to convince yourself?" Davis pointed out again.

"You know things are bad when Davis starts making sense..." Izzy said making Tk laugh.

Ken looked down nervously. He felt more confused then ever.


"Oh my god are you serious? We just go out of traffic and now we're back in it?" Jill yelled. "The downpours have stopped what is this?"

"It looks like there was an accident..." Matt commented turning his head to see up ahead.

"But we're sooo close to the hospital..." The girl hit her head on the dashboard in her frustration.

"I know. We'll get around it soon."

Jill sighed and looked out the window. "Ehh that's too bad it looks like a really nice car..."

Matt looked towards what she was looking at. "That looks like Mimi's car..."

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