The Journey Begins

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James: You made me...I am not...

Sirius: She did not and yes James you are that bad.

James: Trader!

Sirius: No Sirius!

Author: (Rolls eyes)Boys!!!

Sirius: No kitten we are men.

James: men love.

Author: Not, at this moment your not. Acting like fools lets the readers enjoy the story.


For most of the weekend after James' big scene, Y/n avoids him for the whole weekend and took her meals in her room or the kitchen. She dreaded this morning because there was no avoiding him now. Their classes started today and she also wanted to prepare for the full moon which was why today she would ask Professor McGonagall about the subject animagus. So after class and as soon as she was alone with the professor she asked.

"Professor, I wanted to ask you something I know that you might think that it is too advanced for me. I feel that I should still ask, so could you help me become an animagus?"

Professor McGonagall gave Y/n a serious look before replying.

"Now tell me, child, why would you want to try this in your first year?"

"I do not wish for my friend to be alone."


"My friend does not know that I know and I want my friend to tell me when they are ready to tell me. But I know that if I learn this and find my animal then maybe my friend will be willing to tell me."

"That is very kind of you. You do understand that this will be a long process the ingredients alone will take time to collect and it could be months before you are to find your animal."

Y/n took out all the ingredients and placed them on her professor's desk. Professor McGonagall smirked and was proud that one of her cubs was so well prepared.  She told Y/n to meet her after dinner and they would get started. But as the full moon was still a few weeks away and it normally takes six months before you even connect with your animal one month with the leaf under the tongue. But Y/n would do anything for her future brother in law though he didn't know that was what he was to her.

The rest of the day went well she was in the library studying with Remus for their potions class. As odd as it was to already have essays to work on, on the first day of classes.  Y/n was glad to be alone with Remus she decided that she would start to get him to understand that she didn't care what he was.

"Remus, is it okay if I ask you something personal about your father's work?"

Remus looked at Y/n his eyes blinking confusedly about where this was coming from. So he just nodded not sure if he was quite ready to speak. Y/n smiled at him and explained to him that she had been reading about the werewolf population and that her mother had given her a paper written by his father. She explained how she would love to meet and learn more about them someday. Remus just kept nodding in understanding everything said and began to relax.

"Why did he stop trying to work with them?"

Remus became tensed and looked everywhere but at her.  So she decided to tell him that he did not need to answer her question.

"No, I just don't know the true answer as to why. He had many reasons to stop really.  You really don't hate werewolves?"

Y/n just smiled at him, "What is there to hate about them. They are just misunderstood."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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