Part 4

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Before you could get bombarded with questions, you got up and shuffled to the kitchen.

The crowd watched, confused, as you brewed yourself some coffee.

When the whistling of the kettle had stopped, Undyne broke the silence.

"So di-"

"Bup-bup-bup" You interrupted, putting a finger up.

You poured yourself a nice mug and sighed.

"Did y-", Undyne tried again.

"-ah!" You poured the sugar in, stirring.

Satisfied, you sip the coffee shuffling back to the couch. With Sans still chuckling, you decide it may not be the best approach to sit next to him. (And you silently convince yourself it wasn't disappointment you felt in your chest, just a bad sip of coffee).

As you walk, the questions rain in, but you cross your legs sipping quietly. When the roar had died down you put down the mug.

It was nice while it lasted, you thought dismally. For a moment, it was almost like... dating... But you don't deserve that luxury anyways.

You seemed to have forgotten that Undyne and Alphys were tripping over their words, anxious to know all the details of the "intimate night you and Sans cherished".

You tuned in finally to the shouting, but couldn't understand much. Later you would realize that wasn't due to the girls speaking at the same time, but a thick fog that was creeping up through the back of your head.

"One at a time." You smiled softly, teasing them.

Alphys took a deep breath, "When did you leave your house?"

"Yesterday, mid-afternoon, when he brou-..." You trailed off realizing you didn't take your pill. You cleared your throat, wondering what to do.

Whatever mix Sans had made seemed to be working quite differently, but you weren't comfortable skipping anymore doses - not in the public eye

Just take it. Just tell them what it is and take it.

You didn't like the idea.

Leave and come back, it's not that big of a deal.

"When he-..." You pause.  Alphys tries to persuade you to move on.

"Sans you were there why don't you tell us?" Undyne stated with a smirk.

Though you weren't looking, Sans had stopped chuckling. He reached over the coffee table, rested his hand on your thigh gently, picking up on your change in mood with concern.

You shook your head.

I'm not taking it.

"...asked me for a favor," you mumble silently.


Get out of your head Y/n, you growled. You have guests. Stuck in your house for a few days and suddenly you forget how to interact with the outside world? 

"He asked for a favor Alphys." You roll your eyes smiling and turn to her with your arm over the couch. Though sinking deep into a fog, you answered like clockwork. Your "training" kicked in, you knew how to respond while your mind was in chaos.

Relax .... you told yourself. It's not that bad, just take it later. You've skipped doses before. "He wanted someone to watch Frisk while he ran some errands."

No NO NO NO you need it you need it you need to take your pill you know what happens you need to take it take it take it now.

You worked hard not to be distraught, to maintain an unbothered persona. The voice inside your head... was sounding less like yours the longer you waited... But that's.... crazy. The fog was setting in...

Sans seemed to be able to tell the internal turmoil you were fighting through and picked up the conversation.

"Yeah I had to run some deliveries and Frisk wanted to see Y/n anyways so I figured it was a good excuse to see them. ...mmmm out of the house?"

He trails off blushing very slightly, struggling to seem convincing. Even in your stress, for a second you caught yourself watching the blood rise to his new plush cheeks. His real cheeks. Soft warm pale skin and rosy cheeks... You looked away quickly, hoping it went unnoticed.

Luckily Alphys seemed satisfied with his response, but Undyne continues to pry.

"So why did you have his phone so early in the morning?"

"Well Sans wanted me over for breakfast. What ...can I say, my charm is... intoxicating.."

The word seemed to resonate all too well inside you, as you began to truly feel absolutely intoxicated by confusion. The fog was starting to become overwhelming now. Sans's face had now switched to concern, but it was too late now. The medicine won't help you anymore.

"So you admi-" Undyne's voice drowned out as the thoughts in your head continued to morph and dissolve into one unlike any other you knew. You recognized it... like seeing a color that only exists in a dream.

Y/n.... don't you know what happens when you don't take your medicine? Or do you think... it's time you found out?

The 'thought' was so chilling... that you suddenly got up. You could hardly hear Undyne's voice, as if she were underwater.

The last thing you recall is Sans's anxious face before you blacked out.

That sounds fun... doesn't it?

The voice definitely wasn't yours anymore. It was alarmingly different.  You'd heard them before... but who... 

Before you could properly put a face to the name, you blacked out. Their voice, oozing with malicious intent, was the last thing to ring your ears.

Let's do some remembering...


When you had finally woken up, Frisk was asleep in the crook of your neck. You heard hushed speaking in the kitchen, and noticed Sans glancing over at you from the counter.

You had a migraine, you mind pulsating with an influx of new information.

There were voices, voices that weren't your own, swimming around behind your skull.

You felt dizzy, and in a cold sweat, though you didn't actually feel any sweat. Odd...

You looked down to find your body seemingly glowing a soft tint of (f/c) and your hand changing form, but your head hurt too much to clearly differentiate into what.

You blink and the glow is gone.

You got up, burning hot, and trudged to the kitchen to get a cold drink. You grabbed a beer from the back of the fridge, knowing the location of Sans's stash.

You chug it and sit at the kitchen table, ignoring the eyes, honesty completely unaware. The voices were talking to each other, but not to you. Both in your head and out of it. 

You wanted a break. You wanted silence. Or maybe a nap in Sans's bed if you could sneak it. You decided to rip off the bandaid.

"Alright. You want answers? Let's play truth or dare."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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