Traumatic experience

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I don't know if I feel sick because of this since it happened yesterday, and I'm sure that I don't hopefully. But yesterday was a total scar inducing experience for me.

Alright, so I really like most fruits and vegetables (I'm a healthy girl-) and where I live there's a farmer's market that opens up on the weekends so my mom took me with her there since I need to go out more.

While being there though, I decided to get dragon fruit since I really like dragon fruit and it's one of my favorite fruits. To those who haven't had it, it doesn't necessarily taste sweet at has no flavor but a sweet after taste which is good to me.

Other than that, I was just cutting it up so I can eat it because yesterday was hot outside and I wanted some fruit. I cut off the skin and I usually like to get every piece of fruit off the skin whenever I eat it so I just took a bite of the fruit off the skin.

It tasted a bit strange but still the same and I noticed it had yellow marks. I thought that it was just some sort of small bruise that it had which was probably why it tasted that way, boy was I wrong.

I took a closer look and saw these white like things on it and felt nervous and when I touched it, it started moving which made my heart drop.

They were maggots. : )

And if you want to know something about me, I have a very bad phobia for maggots. Flies are scary to me, but maggots? Fuck that.

I let out the most ear piercing yell which scared the shit out of everyone outside since I was the only one in the house. I immediately washed my mouth which is why I didn't answer when my cousin asked if I was okay and I told her that I found maggots in my dragon fruit.

You bet your ass I didn't hesitate to put soap in my mouth after this or try to force myself to puke, I was shaking really badly and since I had soap around my mouth I splashed water around my face.

Without realizing it though, I was crying and I kind of started laughing from that since I found it funny how scared I was. But that eventually turned back to crying since I was terrified.

I even told my mom after throwing the fruit away and washing my hands, "I'm gonna go to my room and cry some more while drinking water."

Hahaha, I wasn't joking.

I was still shaking and crying a bit while drinking my water. So dragon fruit is basically ruined for me and I more than likely won't eat it for a month or if I forget this incident. Unless my brother is a dick and brings it up since he found it hilarious, which it was but really scary for me.

So if he brings that up while I'm cutting a dragon fruit, I'll chuck it at his head.

It's one thing for me to find thousands of maggots in a trash can and letting out an ear piercing scream while shaking since some asshole purposefully put rotten meat in it when I lived somewhere else the first year I moved to my state.

But to find them in your favorite fruit after biting into it? That's a whole new level of a traumatizing experience for me.

Lesson learned from this chapter? Next time when you cut a fruit and want to bite the little parts off, cut it open first and check everything before biting into it.

If you find these little fuckers in it and if it's too late then don't panic, they'll give you extra protein! ^^

Which is fucking disgusting still.

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