Chapter 2

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Lily's point of view

After we fought and I ripped off her arms and head I was surprisingly congratulated by Jasper. I felt wonderful that he did that, but I am still curious to why he is being nicer to me than any of the other newborns. After he congratulated me he went over to Maria. I overheard parts if their conversation. It sounded like he was asking to let someone go and she got angry and yelled at him. It looked like Maria was staring intently at me like she wanted to kill me. She can't really kill me because I have something special about me. I can know what people's next moves in a fight are. In my human life I had to fight sometimes my father that tried to hurt my mother and 2 siblings whenever he was drunk. I would usually know where my father was going to attack next, so I guess that's why I have my power now.

I can't remember a lot about my human life except that and the night I was bitten by Nettie. She found me outside my home and said she was hungry. After that I remember the icy firery pain spreading throughout my body then blacking out to find that I am a vampire.

Jasper's point of view

I went over and congratulated Lily for winning the fight and I could feel that she was surprised and feeling loved.

"Does she know that I love her?" I asked in my head.

"I think she is my mate", I thought.

I went over to Maria to ask if she could let Lily and me go because I thought we are mates, but she yelled at me and said that she will kill her if I say she is my mate again. I remembered that she can't really kill her because Lily's power can help her in fights. She always knows whats going to happen next. She seems like someone that would never have to fight. Me on the other hand learned how to fight better in the confederate army. I knew how to fight because sometimes my dad would get physical with me, but I never lost a fight.

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