Oogie Boogie's Revenge

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(I got the inspiration for this story from this song, which is actually very different from the movie version but still really good. I  am really proud of how this turned out and I hope that you enjoy!)

Oogie Boogie's Revenge

{Song: Boogie Song Nightmare before Christmas. Sung by: Oogie Boogie} (most likely the Jonathan young cover.)


So Sally was made to be OB's girl-toy. And then the whole Nightmare Before Christmas thing happened and Sally falls in love with Jack. OB's furious and kidnaps them both.

I stared into his eyes, trying to plead with my own.

"Oggie, please. I'm sor-"

"Sorry!?" He screamed at me. "Sorry doesn't change anything. Sorry doesn't turn back the clock. Sorry doesn't bring any of what you took away from me back!"

I flinched, closing my eyes. I couldn't move out of sheer terror... and the fact that I was chained to a wall.

"You think your simple apology is going to fix everything? You think that because your simply sorry, that makes everything ok again!?" he shouted, raising his hand to strike me again.

I braced myself, preparing for the hit, forcing my eyes shut so tight that it hurt. I felt the impact of his hand on my cheek. It sent a burning sensation through my entire face. I gasped at the feeling.

"You took everything away from me Sally. And now," he grabbed my chin and forced my face to look at him. "You are going to pay for every single drop of pain you have caused me." He shoved my face away so hard that my neck stitching ripped slightly.

"What are you going to do?"

"I am going to do the best I can." He turned around and walked to the middle of the room, the light shining directly on his green head (maybe? hair?) He wrapped his long green fingers around the rope directly in front of him.

"Well, Well, what have we here?" He said, pulling the rope down. A black curtain was suddenly lifted away from in front of him.

There sat my beloved Jack, a large green bag over his head and the same kind of chains holding me to the wall also were shackled around him. I heard Jack's heavy, muffled, panic laced breathing. My heart threatened to rip from my own chest.

Oggie yanked the bag off.

"The would-be Pumpkin King." Oggie hissed. Jack's black eyes met mine.

"Sally!" he yelled, he yanked against the chains holding him to the wall.

"Your joking, Your joking, I can't believe my eyes." Oggie glared over at me. "Your jokin' me, you gotta be!" He shoved Jack against the wall, a deadly rattle going through Jack's ribs.

"This can not be the right guy." He yelled. "He's ancient, He's ugly! I don't know which is worse!"

"Sally, you have chosen very wrong!" Oggie crossed over to me, a maniacal smile on his face. "I might just split a seam if I don't die laughing first!" Oggie grabbed both my wrists with one hand and reached into his back pocket. He pulled out a small blade. He pressed it against my neck seams. One ripped. I flinched, biting my lip to resist screaming.

"Oggie, leave her alone! I'm the one you want to hurt not her!" I heard Jack yell.

"I'll deal with you later," Oggie said, not even turning to face Jack. He took the blade down to my mid-chest. He hovered it over where my heart was. He pressed the blade against the stitching.

"When Mr. Oggie Boogie says, there's trouble close at hand." He ripped two stitches. "You better pay attention, cause I'm the Boogie Man." He ripped three more.

"Please, Oggie," Jack said, frantically. "Stop!"

"And if you're not shaking, there is something very wrong. 'Cause this may be the last time you hear my Boogie song!" Oggie ripped each stitch slowly, sending a surge of pain through my core every time. Soon, after ripping almost every seam, Oggie's menacing grin deepened. I knew that he was almost where he wanted to be.

"I could have made you something Sally. Something great, beautiful and VERY powerful. Something to be afraid of. Someone that children would tell tales of to frighten their friends." Oggie said, leaning away from me.

I looked at him straight in the eye, mustering up all I could and spat on his face, shocking him.

"I will never, EVER be like you!" I snarled. Oggie touched the part of his face that my saliva had hit. He whipped it off and smiled. He started to laugh. His cruel laughter filled the space, growing louder and more powerful by the second.

"Sally, Sally, Sally," He said, through each laugh. He licked his hand, slowly, his disgusting pink tongue leaving more than it was picking up. He leaned into my face, his foul breath stinging my nose.

"You have and always will belong to me." He stuck the blade right in my last stitch. I cried out. My world went blurry.

"NO! Sally will never belong to you!" Jack screamed, pulling on his restraints again. Oggie whirled around, crazy in his eyes. He stalked up to Jack. My vision was turning more and more swirled

"Your joking, Your joking! I can't believe my ears!" Oggie punched him in his eye. "Will someone shut this fellow up!? I'm drowning in my tears!" Oggie punched him again.

"He's funny, I'M LAUGHING! YOU REALLY ARE TO MUCH!" Oggie punched him several more times. Jack's normally milk-white face was starting to crack in several places. He stepped away from Jack's hunched over form, giving his body one last shove before turning to me. It felt like all my stitching was going to explode from pain. I realized that I was heaving from how little breath I was getting. He pulled my face so close to his, if I twitched my lips, we would be kissing.

"And now with your permission, I'm going to do my stuff." he sneered. His cold grey-green eyes poured into my own.

"What are you going to do?" I whispered. He leaned his mouth next to my ear as he slowly pulled out the blade in my chest. I gasped with relief.

"I'm going to do the best I can." Put his nose directly in my hair. I heard him inhale deeply.

"Ooohhh!" he moaned. He pulled away, looking into my eyes, His own filled with lust and rage at the same time. Then, he turned back to Jack. He stuck the small blade back into his pocket. He fumbled around until he pulled out two small, red dice.

"The sound of rolling dice, to me is music in the air." He said, shaking the dice around in his hand. "Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogieman," He kicked Jacks' immobile body. Jack let out a light grunt.

"And you know I don't play fair!" He whirled around and dramatically threw the dice at my feet. They both landed on six.

"It's much more fun I must confess," he said, turning back to Jack. "When LIVES are on the line." He kicked Jack's stomach. A sickening crunch sounded throughout the room.

"JACK!" I screamed.

"Not mine of course but yours. OH BOY!" He kicked Jack again, harder than the last. 12 times after that to.  "That'd be just fine!" He stomped on Jack's arms, shattering both of them.

"Stop! Please stop! Just stop!" I yelled. Jack's head was under Oggies' foot.

"Oggie NO!" I screamed. He turned to me.

"Oh Brother, your something, You put me in a spin!" Oggie said, kicking the back of Jack's head before coming up to me, pinning my hands above my head.

"You aren't comprehending the position that you're in!" He put his mouth next to my ear. He reached into the new cavity in my chest. "It's hopeless. You're finished. You haven't got a prayer!" He released my hands and backed away from me, my heart in his hand.

"I'm Mister Oggie Boogie." he pulled picked up the dice, looking at the numbers. He shoved the dice back into his pocket in exchange for the small blade. He pressed it against one of the stitchings of my heart. I couldn't breathe.

"And you ain't going..." he ripped through one line of stitching. "Nowhere" 

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