8. Mike Wheeler imagine.

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What's up Losers
    So the reader is new and her Dad hurts sometimes (I promise this ends happily)💙💚
Y/S- your State
Y/O/S- your old school
N/N-Nick name

Name(of book):Lucky I met you

     You woke up to your Dad yelling "WAKE UP FOR SCHOOL" you groaned but got up "YES, SIR" you yelled back, you see You were new in town and You have to go to school (ugh) today, you were shy and didn't have many friends in Y/S and at Y/O/S you got bullied. You got dressed and did you hair after you took a quick shower and brushed your teeth, "HURRY UP!" Your Dad yelled "YES SIR SORRY SIR" you yelled back you call him sir even though he is your Dad because he will get mad if you don't you Dad is nice sometimes when he is having a good day and those day's are the best but when he isn't which is more frequent now he has a bad temper and sometimes hurts you.
     You ran downstairs and made some cereal for you and your Dad "Don't come home till 9:30 my friends are coming over" he said "yes sir" you said back you grabbed you bag once you were done and biked to school after saying bye to Dad.


     You walked into your fist class trying to get past the teacher who's name is Mr.Clarke but to your luck you didn't "hey hey hey wait a moment you not getting away that easily, Dustin drum roll please" Mr. Clarke said and a curly haired boy started drumming his book/desk "This is Y/N and she came all the way from Y/S (sorry if you do live in I Indiana) "you can have a seat back there" he said and pointed to an empty seat near a girl with red hair "Hi I'm Maxine Mayfield but everyone called me Max " she whispered to me "Y/N Y/N Y/L/N" you said and could tell you two would be great friends.

~~~~timeskip after class~~~~

After class you went to your locker with Max but "He our lockers are right next to each other" she said and I smiled I saw 4 boy's in front of my locker "hey Max" a colored boy said and intertwined their hands together "hey this is Y/N" she said as you waved "Hi I'm Mike this is Will Dustin and Lucas"  Mike said who was rather cute "is this your locker?" He questioned "yes nitwit" Max said "sorry" he said/mumbled and smiled at me as a I blushed "it's fine you said.

~~~~time skip 2 months (sorry so much skips I want to get to the cute part)~~~~
(Your great friends with the party you are apart of it)

You Dad had a bad day (your at home) and he was mad and when he's mad he blames people and you were the only one there so you were always the one he blamed "your worthless and horrible!!" He yelled as tears slipped out of your eye's he hit you....hard " go to your room" he said and sat down and turned on the tv you ran to your room and put the window you went you had to get away so you went to one of the main places you felt safe Mike Wheelers you best friend and crush.

~~~~time skip to Mikes~~~~

You knocked on the door and Mike answered the door smiling when he saw you,you wiped the tears making his smile fade "you ok N/N?" He asked "um yeah but c-can I stay here for a while?" You asked him a little to desperately he nodded and let you in.
"N/N your not ok tell me what's wrong and I won't take no for an answer" he said sternly you looked away he held your chin so you would look at him your cheeks turned a light pink "N/N you mean so much to me....please tell me what's wrong?" He said you sighed "m-my dad he s-sometimes hurts me when he has bad day's and today was one of them" you said as tears slipped from your eye's Mike rapped his arms around you in a tight warm hug "I love you so much Y/N" he said and it took you awhile to realize what he said "I love you too" you said "no I mean I love love you" He said you giggled a little "I love,love you to dork" you said forgetting all about what happened "really?" He said pulling away "yes" you said smiling then before you knew it you your lips were on his, you pulled away both looking like tomatoes "be mine?" He asked and you immediately said "yes" both smiling brightly you to went to the couch watching tv cuddling (I don't even thinks there is a tv down there) "I'm so lucky I met you" I said while leaning on his chest "you are? I'm the one who's lucky to have met you".

I thought It was cute at the end sorry if it was darker in the start but it was for the plot thanks for reading this was request by —-willthewise —- love ya losers byeeeeee💚💙

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