Author~Sama: Sorry about me not being online for a while. I have had personal projects come up that I will not dive into, but I am luckily free now, I hope. I want try something new for the announcements, but we will get onto that later. I have a very big surprise for all of the people reading I Want To Dance With You! The story will go under a few changes so be on the look out for:
- A new title
- Rewrites of some of the chapters
- A few of my own OCs added into the story line that have modern positions that relate to three characters that you have to guess
And last but not least!
- A new cover!
Author~Sama: Please be on the lookout for these future changes! Now onto the surprise with the announcements! I will be doing shoutouts, or what I like to call F. R. S. aka Favorite Reader Squad. This means that I will choose a random reader who is following me. All you have to do to get into the F. R. S. is to type a word into the comments of any future chapter that is in the after notes of the story. There will be a poem of a character, magic, or thing that you need to finish with the last word in the poem. The first person who gets the answer correct is in the F. R. S.
Author~Sama: Today's F. R. S. member is........ @IAmACrazyRedHead!!!!!!!! Congratulations on becoming the first member of the F. R. S.! I hope to see your amazing work later on in the future! Have a spooky picture of Noi!