Soulmate au: Jacob Frye x reader

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Soulmate Timer with a slight twist; timer counts down as you get closer to your soulmate, when you're finally in range/found them their name appears on your wrist. So, You don't lose or get them confused with someone else. 


Y/n sighed for the umpteenth time this evening, here she was dressed as a princess at a royal ball hosted by the bloody queen! and all she wanted to do was go home, sneak out to a club and watch some brawlers get their teeth knocked out...But her harpy of a mother had turned her crazy dial up more so than usual, and decided to forbid Y/n from having a soulmate and she will marry a well off son of noble's family.

Which was just ridiculous! How can one just forbid fate? well, her mother answer was simple "I ignored the timer and married your father and it worked out well." The y/ht girl scoffed and rolled her eyes! Yeah, Mom screams and Dad drinks a real fucking fairy tale that! Well, hopefully destiny will play in motion and she'll meet her soulmate tonight...But Y/n was having her doubts.

The h/c grimaced her was suddenly hot and tingly she coughed struggling to breathe 'Damn corset...' she wheezed tried shifting it around in a poor attempt to loosen the awful contraption and get some wiggle room, unfortunately her actions attracted the wrong sort of attention as a blond man found her alone and fiddling with her bust...a dark smirked graced his lips.

The man smirked and approached Y/n who was too preoccupied with her wardrobe to notice the threat, until a slimy voice greeted the h/c over the muffled music. "Ello there poppet.~" Y/n felt a chill go down her back as she turned around to face the strange! Well actually he wasn't really a stranger on closer inspection he was that banker's son her mother tried to force her to talk to, before wandering away from the ball, And for good reason he made her skin crawl with the way he was eyeing the women.

The y/ht girl remind quiet as she backed away only for her back to hit a wall, he had her against a pillar as alarms were going off in her head she opened her mouth but nothing came years of being told: "ladies should be seen not heard" echoed in her head, a load of bullocks that is! what if the wanted to be heard due to just such a situation?!

"Now, what's pretty little thing like you doing alone out here, waitin' for someone?~" He purred caressing the nervous girl's cheek as Y/n finally found her voice "I-" only to be quickly interrupted. "Ah, there you are Love!" both Y/n and the man turned towards the voice, the h/c felt her breath hitch when she saw the man coming towards her. He was tall, muscular and roguishly handsome...his hazel-green eyes held mischief, curiosity and affection when he looked at her, but it was soon replaced with a deadly gleam; making Y/n's unwanted guest take step back. "Sorry I'm late, my sister was nagging me." He said wrapping his arm around the e/c girl's waist pulling her close, "I-it's fine" she stammered out feeling her face heat up in embarrassment at how small she sounded.

Her mysterious hero however found Y/n's timidness amusing as his lips formed into small smirk, while keeping his eyes trained on the blond man, who clearly didn't like having his toy taken from him, "Who the hell are you?" He demanded puffing out his chest and narrowing his gray beady eyes at the stranger in attempts to intimidate; Only it failed. Honestly it was like a rat trying to stare down a wolf.

"Her husband, if it ain't bloody obvious you thickheaded sod." The mystery man proclaimed briskly as the angered man immediately turned purple then looked down at their hands searching for their rings; they weren't wearing any, and went to smugly point that out only for Y/n's savior to flash his wrist at the man, her e/c eyes widened as warm fuzzy feeling settled her stomach there on the stranger's wrist was Y/n L/n...then that means! she glanced down at her gloved arm and went to see; only for her presumed soulmate to squeeze her hip, clearly telling her 'Not here, wait till he's gone!' ....

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