Ezio Auditore x Wife!Reader

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From my Tumblr writing prompt list: 13. "Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you!" == "House sitting in the next town over, didn't you read the note I left you?"

Ezio sighed forlornly as he sat on his bed this was the fifth day he's returned to an empty house, what happened where was his wife? was she kidnapped? Lost?...did she get sick of him humoring the women who were flirting with him?

Their marriage wasn't well known within the creed for safety reasons, He's told Y/n time and time again; that those woman met nothing to him! Y/n was the only woman for him! He's always assured her of that, Hasn't he? Maybe...Maybe, She saw that blond Novice force her tongue down his throat?!

Ezio felt ill as he recalled hearing a gasp and seeing a flash of a familiar f/c dress quickly move out of sight, as he pushed the young assassin off of him immediately as soon as he realized what was going on, and demanded to know what in fresh hell She thought she was doing?!

She blushed and started going on about how she was in love with him and noticed how he would always praise her, and noticed the little looks he'd been giving her when no one was watching, just knew he felt same way! She tried to kiss him again only for her face drop when she saw the vexed expression on his face.

Ezio looked at the blond woman like she'd grown three heads before harshly and firmly informed her that:He had no idea what she was talking about?! He treats her the same way he would treat any novice, like a younger sibling! and finally.

Ezio was yelling at this point he told her, that he was a happily married man! and it would be a cold day in hell before he let another person come between him and his wife!

There was tense silence as the other assassin's gawked at the scene some stunned or jealous and heartbroken, He pretty much told his admires they had no chance, as the blond novice's lip quivered before accusing him of leading her on and with that she ran away crying.

While Ezio shook his head and went searching for his wife, hours turned into days...but the master assassin couldn't find hide nor hair of the h/c woman around the city or at their home... it was starting to scare him!

the Italian knew he had enemies scattered around and if any one of them has found out about his cara moglie ,he wouldn't know what to do! Just as he was going out search again, the frontdoor unlock and loudly open.

"I'M HOME!" Ezio jumped to his feet when he heard that voice, Y/n's voice!! he ran out of their bedroom, looked over the second floor railing and saw a y/ht and Y/wt woman closing the door her tired but warm e/c looked up at him with before she could ask how he was?

Ezio vaulted over the railing and landed a few feet from her, he gave her a heated looked Y/n felt a chill go down her back last time her husband gave her that look was when they were teens, she'd taken a punch meant for Ezio; courtesy of a jealous man who accused the then playboy of stealing his girlfriend. That was the first time Ezio had ever raised his voice at her and kissed her...

The h/c swallowed wondering what she'd done? as he rose from the floor went up and trapped her between himself and the door she noticed his eyes had their odd glow to them as he kept a calculating gaze on her as he wasn't sure it was her? Ezio blinked and his eyes returned to normal with his lips twitched into a snarl as she looked at him warily.

"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you!" he demanded as his wife flinched at his tone Y/n licked her lips as she found her voice "h-House sitting in the next town over..." his brows furrowed at her next words "Didn't you read the note I left you?" Note? he never saw any...his caught something in his peripheral; moving away from Y/n, he walked into the den to the small dresser next to a bookshelf.

Ezio crouched down and slipped his hand between the furniture his brows furrowed he pulled a piece of dusty paper from the space, Y/n winced it must of blown under the dresser when she opened the door! Ezio's eyes scanned the paper.

[Ezio, My brother contacted me and asked to watch his home while he goes to fetch his wife at his mother in laws, will be gone for a few days, Sorry for not telling you in person. PS: We have a niece!]

The Italian assassin let out a breath of relief she was tell the truth...thank god. as Y/n cautiously came up behind him. "What did you think happened to me?" she asked softly as she stared at him concerned.

"I...saw you in the bureau when that blond...I thought you ran away."

"Ezio, I trust you and I know you would never break that trust..."

"Dare I ask, however?"

"However seeing that blond putana kiss you...I...*sigh* I left because I was scared, That I might say or do something I might regret."

The y/wt woman's cheeks felt hot feeling silly being jealous over a love struck teenager who obviously misunderstood Ezio's friendly guidance for romantic interest, she felt something grasp her wrist; Y/n was pulled to the floor pinned under her husband who captured her lips in a heated kiss, Ezio pulled away with lust clouded eyes.

" Va bene mia cara." He muttered huskily as he undid the front her shirt. "I'm sure we can make it up to each other.~" she moaned as he nibbled on her collarbone. "...and maybe give our new niece a little cugino to play with, hm?~" he purred in her ear Y/n's eyes widened as she looked up at Ezio if he was serious... He was!

The assassin yelped when his wife pulled in into one of the deepest hottest kisses he ever gotten from her, if he knew she'd react like this! Ezio would've suggested children a looong time ago!~   

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