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Izuku's pov
I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and roosters crowing. "*sigh* What should I do today..." I mumbled to myself while running my hand threw my mess of curly green hair. "I should probably go out and get some breakfast... oh and I can return the book I borrowed from Todoroki-kun!" I quickly get out of bed and got ready to start my day.

I walked out of my house and made my way to the market place. 'Everyday is just like the day before in this little town. In fact...' I looked up at the clock tower and as soon as the minute hand hit twelve everyone's windows and doors busted open with people saying...

"Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour!"

"There goes the baker with his tray like always. The same old bread and rolls to sell. Every morning just the same. Since the morning that we came. To this poor provincial town." I sang while paying for two loaves of bread. I went over to a horse and started petting it when I heard someone call my name. "Good morning Midoriya!" I turned around to see Shinso standing there. "Good morning Shinso! Have you lost something again?" "Yeah, I think I have but I don't remember what I'm sure it will come to me though. Where are you going?" "I need to return this book to Todoroki-kun. It's about star-crossed lovers in Italy." "Pfft, that sounds boring." I rolled my eyes at him headed to Todoroki's place.

'This town doesn't get me. Just because I don't like being part of a crowd or because I'm always reading they think I'm weird. I don't really care what they say or think about me but "There must be more than this provincial life!"

I made it to Todoroki's place and found him dusting his floor. He looked up and smiled at me. "If it isn't my bookworm buddy! What did you read this week?" He asked. "Well, I took an amazing trip to Italy where I found starcrossed lovers who were desperate to be with one another! Do you have any new places I could visit?" He just shook his head. "You can re-read the old ones if you like." I put my book back and picked up a different one. "Thanks for the book Todoroki-kun." "Anytime. Goodbye." "Bye!"

I walked back through the market reading my favorite part of the book. I sat at a fountain where two swans swam up to me. "Oh, isn't this amazing?" I sang while showing them the book. "It's my favorite part because you'll see. Here's where she meets Prince Charming. But she won't discover that it's him 'til chapter three!"

Uraraka's pov
I pull the telescope away from my eye and hand it to Mineta. "Look at him, Mineta. My future husband. Izuku is the most handsome guy in the village that makes him the best." I tell my short companion. "But he's so nerdy." "Yes, but there is just something about him that's so charming and alluring." We started to ride our horses back down to town. "Right from the moment when I met him, saw him I said he's handsome and I fell. Here in town, there's only he. Who is as beautiful as me. So I'm making plans to woo and marry Midoriya!"Once we got to town I got off of my horse and started to tie her reins to the rail.

"Look there she goes. Isn't she dreamy? Ochako Uraraka. Oh, she's so cute! Be still my heart I'm hardly breathing
she's just so kind, pretty and extremely cute!" I heard some fanboys say but I just ignored them. 'I have to find Izuku!' I moved my way through the market place to catch up to him. I bought flowers on the way too. 'I'm going to make Izuku my husband!' I eventually made my way over to him.

"Good morning Izuku! That's a nice book you got." "Oh have you read it before?" He asked me while tilting his head to the side. "Uhh, not that one but you know books are books. Anyway, I got you some flowers for your house! Maybe I can help you set them up at dinner this evening?" "Maybe not this evening." he said while pushing back the flowers. "Oh, are you busy?" "No..." He said then walked away.

"You gonna give up?" I heard Mineta ask me. "Nope! The ones that play hard to get are always the sweetest prey. He hasn't made a fool of himself to get my attention. What would you call that?" "Dignity?" "Well, dignity is pretty hot."

Izuku's pov
I made it back to my house to see my dad sitting at his desk messing with a music box. (His dad is the skinny form of All Might.) "Oh, Izuku your back. Could you help me out and pass me a-" I already held the metal piece out before he could finish his sentence. "Thank you." I walked around the table to get breakfast ready when a thought crossed my mind. "Dad, do you think I'm odd?" "You odd? Now, why would you think that?" I just shrugged my shoulders. "People talk." "Well, the people here are small-minded. In fact, I knew a girl who was just like you, way ahead of their time. She got mocked until the same people that mocked her started to imitate her." He went quiet after that. "Can you please tell me one more thing about mom?" I asked. He gave me a small smile before sighing. "You look and act so much like her. Your both so fearless." He said which made me smile.

"So how was your walk-in town?" He asked me while putting the music box away. "*sigh* same old same old. There's nothing exciting to do here and I barely have anyone to talk with." "What about that Uraraka girl she's nice and pretty." "Yeah, that's what she wants you to think about her. There's no one here that's right for me." "Don't say that I'm sure you'll find someone but in the meantime can you help me bring these things outside?" "*sigh* Alright."

We went outside and I helped put his inventions in the back of his wagon. "Thanks for the help Izuku. Now, what would you like me to bring you back from the fair?" He asked me while getting in the wagon. "Hmm, a rose!" "You always say that." "And you always bring it." He rolled his eyes at me then ruffled my hair.

"Bye Izuku!" he yelled while riding away.


I walked back inside the house and noticed the laundry piling up. 'I should probably wash those today.' I put all the dirty clothes in a barrel and carried it over to the washing well. While I had the clothes in the water I sat down and started to read the book I borrowed from Todoroki-kun. "What are you doing?" I heard someone say. I looked up to see a little girl with long wavy white hair, red eyes, and wearing a red dress. "I'm reading. Do you want to learn how?" she hesitated a bit before slowly nodding her head. I smiled at her and told her to sit next to me.

"Now what does this say?" "The blue bird...flew over...the woods." "That was perfect!" I told her which made her smile. "What do you think you are doing?" I heard someone say. I looked up to see Monoma standing there. "Teaching a girl to read! What's wrong with you! Something has to be done." He snapped his fingers and people then came and dumped out all of my clothes onto the ground. I scrambled to pick them all up and I saw Todoroki helping me out. "I thought what you were doing was pretty cool." I heard him whisper. "Heh, thanks."

Uraraka's pov
"You are beautiful gorgeous even! No one deserves you but I know you can make some great children." I told my reflection. "Is this a bad time?" I heard Mineta say. "What is it!?" "A-A certain fella is out and it seems like he's in some trouble." "Why didn't you say so sooner!" I pushed past him and started walking toward Izuku's house. "I'm coming my soon to be husband!"

Once Izuku's house came into view I saw him walking in his garden. "Oh, Izuku!" I yelled causing him to look up towards my direction. "Oh, Uraraka what are you doing here?" "I heard you got into some trouble today I just wanted to make sure you are doing okay!" "T-that's umm r-really sweet of you but I'm fine." "That's great but you probably shouldn't do that sort of thing again people here don't really like change." "I just wanted to teach a kid to read." "Pfft don't worry about someone else's kid worry about your own~" I said and touched his chest. "Uh i-i'm not ready for that!" he stuttered out and backed away towards his door. "You just haven't found the right girl." I said while following after him. "It's a small town I've met everybody." "Come on Izuku~" I cooed while pushing my chest up against him."You know you want this~" His face was bright red but he shoved me off him. "N-no I don't and I never will sorry!" He said right before closing the door in front of my face. *sigh* 'Maybe I wasn't forward enough...' I thought while walking away from Izuku's house.

Izuku's pov
I waited a few seconds before opening up the door again."Phew, she's gone." I stepped out of my house and grabbed the feed for the animals. "Can you imagine? Me, the husband of that rude, brainless..." I stormed down the steps and threw the seeds at the animals before putting the food back on the table. "Monsieur Uraraka, can't you just see it? Monsieur Uraraka her husband, ugh. No sir, not me, I guarantee it. I want much more than this provincial life!" I ran up to the hill and started to spin around.

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere! I want it more than I can tell! And for once it might be grand to have someone understand. I want so much more than they've got planned~"

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