Be Our Guest

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(Don't play the song yet please and thank you.)
Izuku's pov
I finished tieing most of the fabric together and threw some of it out the window to see how far I have left to go. 'Just a few more fabrics and I will be able to reach the bottom!' "Don't worry dad I'll see you again soon." I mumbled to myself. There was then another knock on my door. "*sigh* Can't you take no as an answer." I yelled expecting it to be the beast again. "It's Momo dearie." I quickly went to hide my makeshift rope then went to open the door. "Did you need something?" I asked the teapot. "I've come to take you to dinner!" "But he told me to starve if I don't eat with him." "People say the craziest things when they're in anger and it is our choice whether or not to listen. And we chose not to listen. We refuse to let our new guest go hungry so follow me!" She said and began to hop her way down the hall. 'All these enchanted objects are so nice and friendly but I wonder why their master is such a huge a-hole.' I thought while following Momo to the dining room.

Kiri burst through the kitchen doors to make sure the food was prepared for their guest. "Kirishima I can't believe you are doing this after the order master just gave us!" Iida yelled at the candelabra who had hopped onto the stove to check on the soup. "Relax Iida it's just dinner. But did you see how he stepped up to him! I'm telling you he's the one for our Bakubro! They have to fall in love so we can all be human again and live happily ever after!" Kiri said. "There's no way he'll love him." "That's where you are wrong my friend, they are just destined to be together! I know it!" "If you say so but just please keep the noise down." "Of course, of course! But what is dinner without a little music!?" Kiri yelled while hopping towards the exit. "Music!?"

As Kiri and Iida left the kitchen to go to the dining room they saw their friend who was also going to the dining room. "Well if it isn't Sero the piano!" Kiri yelled out. "Hey, guys! You excited by the new guest!" "Of course! He's going to be the one to break the curse! I can't wait to be human again!" "Same I like playing the piano not being one."Sero said while playing some of his keys. "Sero would you mind playing a bit quieter please." Iida asked. "Oh quietly. Sotto voce! Of course! Are there any other tasteless demands you wish to make upon my artistry?" Sero said sarcastically. "No that's it." Iida replied not getting the sarcasm.

Momo then walked in with Izuku right beside her. Izuku took a seat at the dining table and as soon as he did the lights were turned off and a spotlight was placed on the table showing Kirir standing there.

"Ma chère Monsieur. it is with the deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. And now we invite you to relax. Let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents...

Your dinner!"

(I'm not writing the whole song so play the video now and just imagine the girl pronouns are guy ones. Also, I couldn't find the full live-action version of the scene so you can choose to watch the cartoon one or just listen to the song or both😝.)

"Pudding?" "Kiri asked Izuku while holding out a plate of pudding making Izuku giggle a bit while gladly excepting the sweet treat.

Izuku's pov
"That was wonderful but I don't understand why you all are so kind to me. Aren't you just as trapped here as I am? Don't you want to escape?" I asked. "You see the master isn't as terrible as he appears." Momo told me. "Yeah under all that grumpiness and fur there's a prince!" Denki said. "A prince?" I questioned. Kiri then slapped the teacup. "What he means is that Bakubro is like a prince who just needs some help to be set free." Kiri said.

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