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23rd of August 2016
Tuesday Morning

I exhaled while grasping in my hands the schedule I've been dreading to hold since yesterday.

The Seniors schedule wasn't handed on monday but today. Since yesterday the career guidance lasted until two in the afternoon and due to the shortage of time it wasn't handed and boy was I excited.

I continued staring at it before grinning widely. The partial reason why I was so happy was because of the many vacant time I had. The main one though is because after all those years, all those exhilarating years I finally had three classes with JC thanks to the Principal's secretary who let Jenna, -bless her heart- pile the schedules of our class and then her telling me about it.

We do this every year; Amelia instructing Jenna to pile the schedules a week before the class starts and when she's done she'll immediately call and inform me later if JC and I have the same classes. But it was always: "Sorry, Wendy but you don't have any classes with him this year."

Not until today. It's an ultimate luck to finally have some same classes with him.

Thank you God for putting Jenna's mother and Amelia the Secretary as cousins.

Saying that this was the best Schedule ever would be an understatement.

I glanced out at the board upon hearing Mrs. Trenton's voice, completely breaking off from my train of thoughts.

This was the sixth and last class, Health but no JC.

In the background, Mrs. Trenton continued introducing the required things we needed for her subject this year and since it was the same as last year I drowned out her words.

I absentmindedly glanced at my wrist watch and was thankful that I did because we only got five more minutes with this subject.

I started sliding my notes back as quietly as I can. I then noticed that I wasn't the only one who had checked the time because it had turned out that some of my classmates were doing the exact same thing as me; trying to stay unnoticed as we continued zipping our bags preparing for the bell.

I stifled a laugh and tried staring right ahead at the board as Mrs. Trenton - who still was oblivious of what her students were doing and at the same time thinking - continued listing more things.

Thank goodness for that or we will receive a mouthful of words from her. Nobody wants that, it's the first day after all.

No sooner than later the bell rang sounding like music to my ears.

Everyone started shuffling out from their seats and I just followed not wanting to be the last one out.

"Expect a pop quiz next week!"

Was the last thing I've heard and I'm out of earshot.

I said goodbye to my friends who were all planning to hang out and I passed since I have to get my brother at his elementary school.

School was twenty minutes away from my house and when I arrived no one was home since Dad and Mom we're still at work and Kyle, my older brother was in college and my other brother, Tyler as I said was still at the elementary waiting to be fetched.

I dashed inside and went upstairs and changed. I grabbed the first thing I saw; some white tee paired with a jean short.

I paused for a minute and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

Same brown eyes we're looking back at me. I was just an average girl.

I shrugged and continued combing my brunette hair taming it back down on my back.

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