She Keeps me Warm

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Andi's POV
Buffy has been by my side throughout nearly all my procedures. I don't know what I ever did to deserve this girl. My
treatment has been going much better though. Yes I have lost a majority of my hair. My loved ones and I have stressed but right now. In this moment my cancer has been almost treated. It's been expensive for a fact but insurance has covered most of the treatments and medication for me. I am starting to feel more energetic. Of course I am able to spend more time with Buffy as well.

Buffy means the world to me and I feel bad that she's had to see me go through all that has happened. In the end, we love each other and are there for each other. For such a young couple that we are most people wouldn't think or believe we are in love but we are. Times are tough but I like to believe that if we stick together, we are stronger than the situation at the moment. We have worked through so much and I wouldn't want to work through what my family and I have with anyone else. I am glad to be alive with my family and Buffy. Hopefully I will go back to school soon. Things may even go back to normal, I believe anything could happen.

Buffy and I were having a conversation about how much better our lives are becoming and how much we mean to each other. I will never get those butterflies out of my stomach every times I feel her lips on mine, or even cuddling with her. Really anything with her means everything to me. Buffy has said to me multiple times that she wouldn't have stuck with most likely anyone else as she did with me. I guess it's just because we love each other.

This has been a long roads with bumps along the way but there will be more and we will work through them.

Andi Mack and Buffy Driscoll. A one true love for each other.

Author's Note
Hey I'm sorry I am ending this story but I am just not interested in this ship any longer since the show has been cancelled. I appreciate all of you for your support and I will hopefully write something new now that my life is getting better and I can get back into my hobbies once again. I hope you enjoyed this story!:)

My love. (Andi Mack and Buffy love story)Where stories live. Discover now