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Andi: Buffy?
Buffy: Yes?
Andi: Are you happy?
Buffy: Why of course, I'm always happy. As long I have you honey. You are truly my sunshine, my only sunshine.

Buffys POV

I'm not sure why Andi would ask that. We are just laying here cuddling in Andis bed and she asked me that question.

Was I truly happy or was I lying. How is one happy when they feel as though they are about to lose the love of their life. I truly can't live without Andi Mack. Neither could I be happy without her in my life.

I know she would want me to be happy and move on but I can't. She means to much to me. I shouldn't be thinking about this right now. I should just be enjoying the sound of her heartbeat as I lay on her chest. At least that's what I normally do.

I love to feel her heartbeat against my head. It is like a safe place for me. She is my safe place.

She is still happy luckily though, or at least she seams to be. Lately she has been talking about her experience with hope. How she feels as though she knows that she is not going to die. Its so cute, and hopefully it is the truth.

I don't wanna lose her. I have just been preparing myself to lose her and it scares the life out of me.

Andi: What are you thinking about babygirl?

Buffy: The exact same thing I think about all the time. Which if you didn't know is you.

Andi: Why do you have to be so darn cute?

Buffy: Don't pretend you dont love it.

Andi: I wont, because through all this time you have been there for me more than anyone else. You are the reason I have hope. I want to live for you and the rest of my family. All of you mean so much to me. No one compares to the love of my life though. That is you Buffy you are the love of my life.

Buffy then leans in and kisses Andi and they kiss for a long period of time before they each begin to lose their breathe.

My love. (Andi Mack and Buffy love story)Where stories live. Discover now