Chapter 12: Loneliness

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Bakugou's PoV

It was only a few hours ago that Red and I had said goodbye and yet I already felt hollow and had the feeling that something was missing. In the last three years we had spent a lot of time together, living together and sharing everyday life. But I only realised how much I really needed him when I looked at the barren plain in front of me.

I pulled my eyebrows together and took the reins tighter as I rode along the mountain foothills in a canter. How much he had changed me. Before I met him, I had never let anyone near me. There were a few people I trusted like Mina or Aizawa. But I had never really made friends with anyone before. And it had never bothered me. I was the prototype of the lone wolf who didn't need anyone. But now I was only a few hours away from Red and the loneliness gnawed at me.

It hasn't been the number of hours since we left for different directions. No, during the last few years Red had been out now and then for the Order for whole days. But this time it was different. This time I didn't know when we would meet again. It was hard to tell how long my mission would last and how much time Red would spend in the Dragon Empire.

I pushed my horse a little more. Maybe it was irrational to push the animal like that at the beginning of the long journey, but I couldn't help myself. Every minute that I would arrive earlier in the capital, I would return earlier and be with Red again. In theory at least, because if Red needed more time than I did, it made no difference.

I sighed beaten and looked at the landscape in front of me. Wasteland. There was not a soul to be seen. I still rode along the foothills, further and further east. The way across the plain directly to the capital would be shorter, but I didn't have enough provisions for such a trip and had to get to a water source as fast as possible. I planned to ride in the east until I reached the river Kirano and follow it south to the capital Shiyama.

But there was another reason why I chose this route. I would pass my home village Tsumari this way. I had not been there since the destruction of my home. That was many years ago and I had changed in many ways since then. I didn't know if the village was reconstructed and therefore had started to exist again or if it had given up completely. I didn't know exactly why I wanted to see again the place of my childhood, the place where everything ended for me and I was reborn as a dragonslayer of the king.

During the whole day I followed the mountain range without a break and sometimes I noticed signs of civilization. Individual houses and small villages hid in the foothills. Some places looked familiar to me. I rode along the area, which I had visited several times directly after my training. At this time there were still regular dragon attacks and my sword had struck down many of them. Strangely enough, a shiver ran down my spine when I remembered.

I used to face the dragons fearlessly and even now I wouldn't hesitate a second to defend myself if I was attacked. But so much had changed. It wasn't like I had forgiven the dragons for what they had done to me and many other people. No, I probably never would. But through Red, and yes, I admit it, also through the Order my point of view had changed completely. Red had told me what the green dragon we had met had told him. His parents were brutally murdered by humans. He had had the same drive as I had. How could I blame him for his actions when I hadn't done anything different myself? I had a strange understanding for his deeds, even if I didn't want to justify them in any way. It was nevertheless cruel what had happened.

It was weird to be so torn. I had always been aware of what I was doing. Self-confident. Strong. Hot-headed. One could describe me like that. But this spark of insecurity gnawed at me. Because if I wasn't a strong unbending dragonslayer ... who was I then? As long as I was at Red's side, I had never asked myself this question. In the meantime, it had been enough for me to be close to him.

I sighed, pulled slightly at the reins and sat down deeply in the saddle, which made the horse segue into a calm walk. The sun stood already deep in the sky and it would not take long until dawn would break. My body was stiff, and my butt hurt from the long ride and ... well maybe also a little because of Red.

When I found a small cavity in one of the hills, I decided it was time to rest for today. I got off my horse, pulled the saddle off and loosened the bundle of blankets and provisions. I pulled the cape closer around my shoulders. There was no cloud in the sky. It would probably be a cold, starry night. I searched the ground for something flammable but found only a few branches. I layered them makeshiftly before searching for the tinderbox. I rummaged in my pockets for a long time until I found the little box and ignited a small fire. With Red at my side and his fire breath, I hadn't needed it for a long time.

I wrapped myself in one of the blankets and leaned against the rock face as I watched the dancing flames. Then I tiredly closed my eyes and groped for Red's mark on my neck.

Let the time pass quickly until our reunion.

Kirishima's PoV

The whole day I had flown further north. The mountains below me became higher and higher until I noticed that the peaks were covered with snow. It was a strange feeling to fly so completely into the unknown. Neither the Order, nor Katsuki, nor any other person who lived today had ever been beyond the mountains. At least as far as I knew. Anyway, there were no documentation of the Dragon Empire and I had no choice but to see myself through.

I missed Katsuki already. In his presence I had always overcome all the insecurities that plagued me from time to time. This stubborn, unbending man always gave me strength and self-confidence, and I didn't know how to accomplish such a mission without him.

The insecurity overwhelmed me. How would the mission work? How would the dragons react to a half-breed like me? How were the dragons in general? And when would I see Katsuki again?

I briefly closed my eyes and shook my head to get rid of all the thoughts. They didn't help: I just had to do my best, because who else could do this mission? I should learn from Kat, who always knew instinctively where his tasks were and what he had to do. Just as he had immediately understood how he could participate most helpfully in this mission.

I exhaled the air I had subconsciously held in. Smoke came out of my nostrils. My wings slowly grew heavy. It had been a long time since I had flown so long in one go. The landscape below me had changed only slightly, but I had the feeling that I had flown over the zenith of the mountains and that the mountains were gradually getting smaller again. Nevertheless, the surroundings beneath me seemed barren and desolate and I searched for a long time until I found a suitable place to land.

I headed for the small rock ledge and flapped my wings violently during the landing until my claws reached the safe ground. Exhausted I looked around. The sun was already low over the mountains and flooded them with red light. Somewhat wistfully I thought of Katsuki's and my house, from which we had a similar view at sunset.

I curled up and bedded my head on my forelegs. Then I closed my eyes and thought of my mate. A wave of loneliness came over me. The last time I had felt so lonely was that night when I had fled Nirakawa.

I'll hurry, Kat. We will see each other again soon.

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