Chapter 39: The Marking of the Dragonslayer

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Bakugou's PoV

Red looked so happy, that my heart was swelling with joy. Everyone was exhausted from the long conversation and as they gradually left the meeting hall, there was a lot of handshaking. I stayed in the background for a while. Not only did I not like all that handshaking, but I wanted to give Red his moment. He'd achieved something big after all.

In the end only the two princes, me and Deku were left.

"Will you be leaving soon?" Red asked Todoroki, after a moment of silence.

"Yes," he replied. "But Izuku would like to talk to Telana again, and besides, it's too late to move back to the capital today. We'll stay another night, but tomorrow we'll go back. Red nodded silently and for a moment we were all quiet. "I must thank you," Todoroki said surprisingly insistently.

Red frowned a little. "What do you mean?"

Todoroki was silent for another short moment, as if he had to find the right words. "This trip has made many things clear to me," he finally said reluctantly. "I always wanted to serve my country and prove to my father that I could do it without his influence. You have not only given me the opportunity to do so, but also the chance to get to know myself better. I care about my country, I want to become a good and upstanding king one day. But I cannot be that if I refuse my father on principle forever."

"Do you think the king could cause trouble?" Red suddenly asked, worried.

A suggested smile lay on Todoroki's face. "My father and I may have our differences, but his primary goal is the safety of his people. I know that he too wants peace." He avoided Red's gaze and looked to the side. "Maybe that's how we'll get back together."

Red seemed at a loss for an answer and I reached for his hand to draw his attention to me. The half dragon looked at me and smiled warmly at me before pulling me towards him and giving me a deep but short kiss.

"Didn't you want to go to Miss Crownway?" I asked, brushing a strand of his red hair off of his forehead. In response I got a broad smile and another deep kiss.

And so we said goodbye to the other two, and left the meeting room. When we stepped outside, the position of the sun showed that it was already late afternoon. Hand in hand we walked along the small street promenade and looked for the house where Miss Crownway had moved in with Tomoko.

After asking a few people (all people were more than willing to give Red information), we finally found the small house. In the past, the order had been much bigger, which meant that just at the edge of the village some houses were empty. Also the house in front of us was clearly old and had been uninhabited the last years. Only a small sign on the door and the painted window frames showed that someone was living here again meanwhile.

Red knocked and shortly after we heard small feather-light steps running towards the door. As the door opened creaking inwards, Tomoko was standing inside. Her long pitch-black hair was ruffled, but she had a big grin on her face.

"Eiji!" she shouted and threw herself into his arms. The half dragon laughed and spun around in circles with her once before putting her down again. Surprisingly, she then turned to me, her arms spread out. When I did not react directly, she sulked a little. "Come on, Blondie!" she whined.

"Tch." If she wanted a hug, then okay. I picked her up (How heavy could one be when eight years old?) and twirled her around. She laughed happily and for a moment I couldn't help but smile. I paused for a moment before I put her down and raised one eyebrow. "Happy?", I mumbled.

"Yep!" Tomoko replied, beaming with joy. After I put her on the floor, she turned around and walked forward into the small house. I felt a side glance from Red, and as I looked at him, I saw the broad warm smile on his face.

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