Chapter 19: Aizawa's Surprise

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Bakugou's PoV

I got on my horse. To get Aizawa's attention, I had to arrive at the gates before him. In my experience, the troop rode through the gates of the general population, who had to wait for just that time. The carts standing in front of the trade gate were far too laborious to move to the side. I had to get the commander's awareness somehow before he entered the city through the gates.

My horse had fallen into a racing gallop, but I had to rein it in a little to not attract too much attention. I always kept an eye on the troop approaching the gates from the other side.

Just before I reached the crowd that had formed outside the gates, I stopped my horse and descended. I hesitated briefly, but I knew that I couldn't take the animal with me into town. I could barely afford to buy board and lodging. Besides, I wouldn't be able to move so freely with it. Especially the outskirts of Shimaya were densely built and had very narrow alleys.

Since I didn't have much time, I unsaddled it and hung the bundle of my belongings over my shoulder. Then I took off his bridle. The animal yawned heartily when it was freed from the bit. I put everything I didn't need on the floor, then I turned around and walked towards the crowd. It hurt a bit to leave the horse behind, but if it wasn't captured by a local farmer soon anyway, it wouldn't have any problems surviving in this fertile part of the country.

I searched for the red capes of the guards and noticed that they were about to reach the gates. The gathered people had noticed them by now and there was movement through the rows to make way for the Country Guard. At least the structure of the queue opened a little so that I could slip through the gaps. I heard a few angry shouts as I pushed rudely forward, but I didn't care.

Finally, I was relatively near the front and was sure that I could be seen well from the horse. Of course, only if you looked in my direction. Nervously I saw Aizawa, followed by his troop, enter the alley that the people had cleared for them. But he didn't let his gaze wander over the crowd, only looked stubbornly straight ahead.

In a desperate gesture I pulled my sword a little out of its sheath and quickly looked for the position of the sun. I moved it a little and saw with satisfaction how a small bright strip of light fell over the Commander's face as the reflecting sunlight fell on him. I immediately dropped my sword again, after all I didn't want to attract too much attention. But Aizawa had ripped it out of its rigidity and let his gaze glide a little frowning over the crowd.

His gaze remained on me. Only very briefly did I see his eyes widen before he looked forward to the gate again. For a moment I thought he would just ignore me, but I also knew it would seem strange if he just stopped abruptly. No, he waited just before they reached the goal. I saw that he talked to his men and then let them ride into the city alone before he turned and rode away from the city again. He didn't give me a glance when he rode past me again. But I understood the hint. I should follow him.

As inconspicuously as possible I detached myself from the crowd. Aizawa had taken a sharp right turn and stayed close to the wall. I imitated him and just saw him disappear behind one of the watchtowers. When I also ran around the bend, the commander was already waiting for me.

I took a quick look to the side and up to make sure no one saw us. But I had to admit that Aizawa had chosen the place well. We could not be seen from the gates and the walls and watchtowers were designed so that you could see well into the distance, but not necessarily what was right at the foot unless you leaned over the balustrade. Here we were undisturbed.

"Bakugou...?" Aizawa said quietly as I turned my gaze to him. In his eyes there was a mixture of shock, joy and anger.

"Who else?" I growled, not sure what else to say.

"I thought you were dead? Everyone at court thought you were. Every soldier who survived the fight at Kyotawa confirmed it." He let his gaze glide over my obviously healthy body.

I sighed and drove through my blonde hair. "I was as good as dead. But Red healed me," I explained to him.

Aizawa frowned. "Healed?"

"His ability as a half dragon. It has something to do with his dragon tribe," I said and made a dismissive hand movement, because I didn't want to dive too deep in that topic.

Aizawa shook his head in disbelief and sighed. "Whatever. I'm glad you're alive. But what are you doing here? You do realize that you are still considered a traitor? Why did I bother and make sure that they didn't pursue Kirishima any further, if you now make sure that they reopen the old case?"

"So you kept your promise," I mumbled.

"Of course. And believe me, after the act Kirishima pulled on the battlefield, it wasn't very easy to convince the military. Hundreds of people have died."

"Red only protected my body with his life and all the power he could muster," I growled and stared at the commander. Don't say anything wrong now!

Aizawa knew me well and knew that it didn't help much to discuss it with me. "So, what do you want here?" he asked again after a longer break.

"There is a way for humans and dragons to make peace. But for that I have to go back to the court and I need the half-and-half bastard."

"Are you tired of life?" Aizawa asked sharply.

"No. I only do what's necessary. I have to go to the city. Will you help me now, or what?" I asked annoyed.

Aizawa was silent for a long time. "Of course, I will. If you go through the gates as my companion, they won't inspect you. That should be easy. But then what? You want to go to the royal court? How is that going to work?"

"I'll think of something. After all, I know enough people there."

He nodded. "I hope you know who your friend is and who your enemy. But before you go to the court, you come with me. I must give you something".


With Aizawa as a companion it was really incredibly easy to get through the gates. The guards only saluted the high-ranking strategist and didn't give me a look.

Shimaya hadn't changed a bit. First, we had to pass the outskirts. The roads were narrow, the air was bad and it was terribly loud. But the more we approached the royal palace in the middle of the city, the more the narrow canyons of houses widened. It became quieter and the houses became more splendid. The closer we came to the palace, the clearer it became that the upper class lived here.

But before we reached the prominent main road leading directly to the royal palace, we turned off and Aizawa led me to his personal residence. An own apartment outside the military camp was by no means granted to all the military, but his position as a high ranked commander provided him with this privilege. But I didn't pay much attention to the house, I had already been here several times, but instead pondered what he wanted to give me so urgently that he kept me from my mission and at the same time he risked being seen with a traitor.

Silently I followed him up the stairs to his apartment and stepped behind him through the apartment door. Aizawa asked me to wait a moment. I crossed my arms, annoyed, but did him a favor. The commander disappeared into the next room. I heard the familiar dragging sound of a drawer being opened and closed. Finally, the black-haired man came back.

He carried a long thin bundle tied up with linen in his arms. Then he put it carefully on the dining table. Frowning, I approached him and watched curiously as he loosened the linen layer by layer.

A distinctive shimmer flashed between the fabric. My heart took a leap of joy when I saw my iridescent sword. My dragon blade.

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