Sly todoroki~

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•Time skip time detention, No POV•

After a long tiring day of school AND being given a detention, bakugou made his way into the classroom where he would spend twenty slow minutes sat at a desk and writing on a piece of paper.

Bakugou entered the room to see Todoroki, Denki, Kirishima, Mineta and Monoma sat silently studying. He wanted to laugh at the fact todoroki was in here but he would probably just have to stay longer. He placed his things on the desk beside todoroki since he was going to ask why the peppermint haired boyfriend stealer was in here.

"So boyfriend stealing bastard, why you in here?" Bakugou asked trying to take the piss out of todoroki. Todoroki looked to the side at monoma and started to mumble something under his breath.

"I.... I punched monoma since he said stuff about my dad and his company" todoroki said whilst having his head hung low.

Todoroki's father worked for a very successful business which had to do with banking, taxes, Mortgages and car making . This lead to his dad being a multi millionaire, Monoma was making fun of him about one day todoroki will be as heartless as his dad and steal everyone's money.

"Pfft that's lame of you" Bakugou laughed whilst leaning back on his chair and getting his phone out to text his dear boyfriend.

Todoroki sighed and mumbled under his Breath 'it should have been you who got punched' he then noticed the contact and saw who he was texting, in them few seconds an evil- no, devious idea popped into todoroki's head.

"Hey bakugou, I know we didn't get off so well so why don't we exchange phone numbers? We can work things out and make midoriya happy" the white and red haired male offered.

Bakugou gave him a strange look for a second, actually considering the idea. The blonde placed his hand on todoroki's desk  and got up a new contact.

"Oi, I'm going to the bathroom add your dumbass contact in so deku can be happy" Bakugou spat as he got up headed to the bathroom.

Todoroki smiled widely as he added in the  number and name. 'Camie 💕'. Camie and shoto were great friend friends so he knows all about the drama, however he had hated the green haired boy for stealing katsuki away from Camie until he had  Laid his eyes on midoriya.

He then began to make a fake conversation.

Camie 💕

Camie 💕:
Hey baku 😘

Hey babe, last night was awesome ❤️💥

Camie 💕:
What about that little boyfriend of yours?

Huh? Oh him, his bestfriend paid me  to do it lol . She pities him so much

Camie 💕:
Haha that is pathetic , well cya on Saturday hun 😜
Read 3:57pm

Mr Aizawa had then walked in the class to dismiss everyone, todoroki packed up quickly and took the phone with him to see midoriya. Todoroki sped down the halls looking for the dorm he shared with the cinnamon roll.

'Ah there it is'

As soon as he was outside he began to knock on the door until he heard the click of the door opening just to reveal the short, green haired boy.

"Oh hey Todoroki-kun!" Midoriya said whilst smiling.

"Oh I'm so sorry midoriya...." todoroki apologised trying to sound sad. Midoriya just gave him a confused glance in return.

"I know I shouldn't be snooping, but in detention bakugou left his phone on whilst he went to the bathroom I saw the conversation." Todoroki explained whilst handing midoriya the phone.

Once midoriya was finished going through the texts he began to read them back to himself , hoping this was a prank or a different bakugou. Midoriya just passed the phone back to todoroki and went to lock himself in the bedrooms.

Around 10 minutes later todoroki heard a loud knock coming from their dorm door. He opened it to reveal the blonde male looking pretty pissed.

"Give me back my phone you bastard" Bakugou demanded.

"Ah yes, very sorry I must have accidentally packed it up with me" todoroki said whilst reaching into his pocket and taking out the phone.

"Now, move dipshit I need to ask deku something." Bakugou said, pushing past todoroki.

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