promise you'll never leave me <3

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-No POV-

Bakugou had waited about a minute for Todoroki to respond before just giving up and putting his phone down, he despised Todoroki. He hated feeling as if the most precious thing in his life would be taken away from him by someone like him. He's manipulative and rude, making assumptions about Bakugou and then using his past mistakes to defend why he would be a 'better' boyfriend.

Even from the start, when he first moved into Midoriya's dorm, he got a sketchy feeling from that half n half bastard. What if he was to loose his boyfriend to Todoroki? He would probably go through the same aching heart pain that Midoriya went through when he was with Camie.. That was something Bakugou always had feared, he hated the thought of someone else being with Midoriya, putting there hands on him and kissing him. He would never admit that though, he wasn't the type of guy to show all lovey emotions.

-Later on after school in Bakugou's dorm-

It was about 17:30pm and Bakugou's mind was still flooded with thoughts of Midoriya even though he had only saw him a few hours ago..

He wanted to see Midoriya. He wanted to take him somewhere and tell him how much he meant to him and how much he loved him. Bakugou picked up his phone and clicked on his boyfriend's ID and began to call him, after a few seconds he picked up

"Hey Kacchan" beamed Midoriya from the other side of the line, Bakugou smiled to himself as he pictured the happy face of Midoriya when he had said that.

"Hey Deku.." Bakugou replied in his usual gravelly tone.

"What's up? we saw each other not too long ago and you already miss me?" Midoriya giggled earning a slight laugh out of Bakugou.

"Yeah i guess.. maybe we can go somewhere? like the Starbucks you work at, we can get a drink and just chill and talk" Bakugou asked hesitantly, he didn't want to seem clingy in anyway he just had a lot on his mind and wanted to see Midoriya.

"Of course! Todoroki is out with Iida so he won't be a bother, i'll start heading down there now so i'll meet you there.. Love you" Midoriya chimed as he ended the call.

"Love you too..." Bakugou replied, seconds before Midoriya hung up.

-At the Starbucks-

Bakugou and Midoriya had finally met up and found their seats, since Midoriya worked there he could just make the drinks himself.

"I might make myself a nice hot chocolate, what would you like?" Midoriya asked.

"Mocha please, caramel" Bakugou answered whilst putting his bag next to his feet and watched as his boyfriend walked off into the kitchen.

Bakugou sat there, thinking to himself once again. Maybe he should talk to Midoriya about how he is feeling, he wants to be open towards Midoriya instead of worrying him and keeping to himself. It had been about 5 minutes when Midoriya came back with the two drinks and the two began to drink them.

"Hey Izuku.." Bakugou started, this sort of caught Midoriya off guard since he had gotten use to the blonde calling him by his nickname.

"yes, Katsuki?" Midoriya replied. Bakugou didn't speak for a bit after that, instead he sort of just stared at his drink.

"Remember when me and Camie where.. doing stuff together?" Bakugou whispered slightly.

Midoriya didn't know what to say, why was he asking about Camie? Was something going on between the two? Midoriya knew Bakugou wasn't that type of person but it always worried him that Bakugou would get bored of him and throw him away for someone new.

"Y-yeah, well not much! b-but... yes i do" Midoriya stammered.

"It hurt a lot, didn't it?.." Bakugou mumbled whilst clenching his fists together.

"..yeah it did, seeing you with someone else when i had just discovered my feelings for you kinda crushed me i guess.. but it's all good now, you and me are happy together and that's all i care about" Midoriya smiled, as he took a sip of his hot chocolate.

Bakugou flinched at what he had said and paused for a second before gripping hold of Midoriya's hands, Bakugou stared into Midoriya's beautiful, forest green eyes whilst Bakugou's wine red eyes melted Midoriya's heart as the two sat staring at each other with their eyes locked in contact.

"I'm sorry... I'm so fucking sorry for all the shit i caused you and got you involved with.. I love you and please please promise me you would never leave me for Todoroki, I know I've been selfish and an inconsiderate bastard but i just want us to be happy. I would never leave you, i would never cheat on you and i will never take you for granted ever again. I love you so god damn much it hurts to the point i would kill myself for you" Bakugou sobbed as an occasional voice crack turned his usual husky/hoarse voice into more of a brittle tone.

Midoriya could see the tears which were threatening to fall from Bakugou's eyes, He didn't want to see his boyfriend like this. He knew how much it hurt to think like this and would never wish the pain of heart break onto anyone else.

He moved the drinks to the side and leaned over the table to give Bakugou a hug.

"Silly... i would never leave you, i love you more and i stand by my word"  Midoriya whispered as he buried his face in the neck of his boyfriend.

Midoriya knew how much Bakugou had changed, when they first met Bakugou would act as if he was better than everyone and as if he was tough and quite a flirt but now, he was more caring obviously still thinks he's better than other but more aware of others around him, especially Midoriya.

Midoriya promised Bakugou he would never leave him, ever.

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