Chapter 4

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I have been told to start my career immediately. It's incredibly rare to finish school so early which makes everyone very proud of me. I suck up the attention like pollen to a bee, swimming in affection and praise. I am given my work uniform which is basically the same as my weekend clothes but I'm allowed small heels on my boots and a badge on my blouse! Mum beamed with pride when I modelled my new uniform before heading off to work. It still sounds weird saying that - I'm off to work now, not school, work.

I sit on the comfy seats of the HoverBus, barely containing my excitement at starting work. A boy sits down next to me, I'm not sure who he is. What I do know is that he looks jaw dropping. He's windswept, with his tousled hair many golden shades, a pool of brown in the lighting and his eyes swirl many shades of brown and amber, glowing dully like embers to a dying fire. His presence is warming but I shiver slightly as he takes the empty seat beside me. "You cold?" His face splits into a cheesy grin with adorable dimples. "No I'm quite hot actually. Wait- no, that came out wrong- I... I'm perfect- that still sounds weird, I'm fine."
"You sure about that?"
"Yes, sorry, I uh...Can we start again?"
"Sure, I'm Will, or William as some people call me, but I prefer Will."
"Ok, William who prefers to be called Will, I'm Violet. Just Violet."
"Nice to meet you, Just Violet, where are you off to out of school uniform?"
"I could ask you the same thing." I see that he is also out of the school uniform and in weekend clothes. "Ah, well I'm starting my career early, lucky me."
"No way same! I'm in the CGRT."
"You're joking!" He flashes me an identical badge to my own.
"I guess we're co-workers then!"
"I guess we are."

The conversation is cut abruptly short as an Officer steps aboard. He nods curtly in our vague direction then takes a seat nearby. I feel uncomfortable, the hairs on the back of my neck rising as if I should feel guilty. But I have nothing to hide. I feel locked in, trapped by his unwelcoming gaze lingering over me like a bad smell. Will smiles at me nervously and when we get to our stop, we hurry off, not looking back.


"You know, I've never understood how Officers stay so serious, I would just get the giggles!" Will exclaims.
"That's the point, silly! They're meant to intimidate us so that we behave."
"Ah, I know that, but how they do it I'm still unsure. Maybe they have to do loads of training in not smiling?"
"Yeah, so to become an Officer, the requirements are like this: outstanding ability to remain serious, intimidating and superior to the public ensuring that they behave."
"Why of course. It couldn't possibly be anything different!"

We chuckle to ourselves as we walk into the giant building which we can now call our workplace. I look around hopelessly like a lost puppy. All of the doors are shut and nobody is around. But we aren't late. I was never shown my office so I can't go straight there. Will looks equally lost.

A bell sounds and I can only guess what it is: the late bell. A wave of panic envelopes me and Will's eyes widen in fear. "Do we stay here, or uh...?"
"I'm not sure. Should we...?"
"Let's look around maybe. We can try and find a map or a Bot or something."

We wander aimlessly around the building only to come face to face with a stern Official. "Where have you been? Lateness is a Sin, we expected better from you two!"
"I'm sorry but—"
"No! No excuses, you must be punished! I will speak to your boss, now follow me."

She walks briskly down the corridor before stopping at a door and knocking. Without waiting for a response, she bursts straight in, her face a mask of pure hatred towards us. "Julia, I have your two apprentices here, late."
"Thank you, Miss Grayson."
"Is that all? What punishment shall we give them? This behaviour is unacceptable, lateness is one of the Sins punishable with Isolation! This is exactly why I said we shouldn't hire mere children!"
"Miss Grayson, please calm down. I am aware that this is a serious offence in which I will give them suitable punishments but I believe that it was a simple case of getting lost which won't happen again."
"So you're letting them get away with it?"
"Of course not! I will reprimand them accordingly but I don't need to tolerate your rudeness."
"Well what are you going to do to them? Isolation works a charm for young delinquents."
"I'm sure it does, but that is unnecessary for now thank you Miss Grayson."

The lady who appears to be called Miss Grayson storms out in a huff, muttering under her breath about disorganisation and chaos and 'kids today.'

"I won't let you off for this by the way, Miss Grayson is right, lateness is a Sin."
"We're so sorry, it won't happen again."
"I'm afraid that if you two do anything wrong, there will be severe consequences. For now, you will only get a mark on your record."

A mark on my record? But I've always had a perfect status, this is awful! Mother will be so disappointed in me.

Will looks solemnly down at his feet, equally upset by the punishment. Although it could have been much worse. That was a really close call.

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