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(There is going to be selfharm in this.)

(If you don't like to see blood or are sensitive about stuff like people hurting them self then don't read this page or skip the part about the selfharm part.)

(Setsuno POV) 

(Setsuno wake up) shw looks so cute when she sleeps. I hope this doesn't end. (Kate wakes up) Setsuno: Hi Kate. Kate: Hi Setsuno. Setsuno: How was your sleep Angel? Kate: It was good because I'm with you. Setsuno: ;Blushes; Thanks baby. Kate: Your welcome Setsuno. I am going to get change in the bathroom Setsuno. Setsuno: Ok Kate. (Kate POV) (Kate went into the bathroom to change into this)

 (Kate POV) (Kate went into the bathroom to change into this)

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I like this shirt

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I like this shirt. (She gets out of the bathroom) Setsuno: You look cute Kate. Kate: Thanks sugar buns. Setsuno: ;Blushes; You always make cute nicknames for me. Kate: Yeah I do because your cute. So what do you want to do? Setsuno: I don't know what to do? What do you want to do? Kate can we watch a movie? Setsuno: Sure what movie do you want to watch? Kate: lets watch Fantastic beasts and where to find them. If you want to watch it. Setsuno: I am ok with it. (They start watching the movie. This is what the movie looks like. The movie is Fantastic Beast and Where to find them)

 The movie is Fantastic Beast and Where to find them)

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Kate: I like this movie. Do you like this movie? Setsuno: I like it so far. (Almost at the end of the movie) Overhaul: What are you guys watching? Setsuno: We are watching Fantastic beasts and where to find them. Overhaul: What is that? Is it a movie or a show? Setsuno: It's a movie. Overhaul: What's the movie about? Setsuno: The movie is about a guy named Newt Scamander who ends up in problems because of animals. Overhaul: Ok. We'll Setsuno we are going on a mission. Setsuno: When? Overhaul: Right now. Setsuno: Kate I have to go on this mission. Is it ok if you stay in the hideout? Kate: It's ok Setsuno. Setsuno: Ok. Love you hunny bun. Kate: Love you too my cinnamon roll. Overhaul: Ok you two love birds. You two can see each other after the mission.  Setsuno and Kate: Ok. (Setsuno POV) Setsuno: So what mission are we going on? Overhaul: We are going to go to the league of villains for something. Setsuno: Ok. {The time is 8:00 in the morning. They went to the league of villains} (Kate POV) This will be boring with out Setsuno. Lets find something to do. Lets go on my phone to see what i can do. ok lets go on youtube. ok lets see what song i can lesson to. Hm what is SEKAI NO OWARI lets lesson to them

they sound good. Lets see what time it is . The time is 10:32 AM in the morning. This is so boring with out him. (Setsuno POV) I wonder how she is doing? Chrono: Setsuno. Setsuno: hm? Chrono: You seem nervous. Setsuno: I am nervous. Chrono: Why are you nervous? Setsuno: I was just wondering if Kate was doing good. I don't know what she is doing. I don't know if she hurt her self. I don't if she out of the hideout. I am so nervous about her. I love her so much. Chrono: You know you can text her. Setsuno" Oh right I forgot about that. Thanks Chrono. Chrono: No problem.
Setsuno: Hi Kate how are you doing? 12:01 AM
Kate: I am doing good and I am bored  without you.
12:05 AM
Setsuno: You are bored without me? 12:07 AM
Kate: Yes I am good and i am bored without you. I just want you here with me.
12:09 AM
Setsuno: Well I hope this mission ends soon. I hope you have a good angel. 12:12 AM
Kate: Ok butter cup.
12:14 AM
(End of the text)

Ok she is doing fine. I hope she is doing fine. (Kate POV) Ok I am going for a walk. (She walks around the hideout.) This place is so clean. I wish I had a clean home and not a messy house. I am glad I am away from the house and my stupid father. I am glad I have no more stupid chains. (She goes to the forest to see the animals.) I like to see the animals they are so cute, fluffy, and cuddly. I like the cute foxes. They are so adorable. I like to see the birds to. (She starts play with some of the animals and a fox.) You are so adorable. I love your green eyes. I am going to call you Emerald if that's ok with you. (The fox nodes his head yes he likes the name. She played with the animals and it was getting late and the animals went to there homes.) Bye Emerald hope to see you again. (The fox wave his tail to say goodbye. She went to the hideout.) Ok what time is it? The time is 10:00 PM. Ok they are still not here. Ok I am going to take a shower. (She in the shower and she started to have flashbacks that she did not want to remember at all.)
(Flashbacks when she is 4 years old.)
Her father: You kill your mother. You are useless and stupid. You are to dangerous to be with people. You should be chained up and beat because you are a monster with that quirk. (He grabs her arm and puts chains on her) Here you dead of a child.
Kate: Its not my fault.
(Her father walk away very angry.)
(End of flashbacks.)

I hate that flashback. Let's get my mind off of this. (Kate grabs the razor and started to cut here legs.) Ok all done this stings a lot. (Kate gets her pjs so she can hide what she did on her legs. This is what she got to wear.)

my legs hurt but i have to try to keep the cuts hide in from Setsuno

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my legs hurt but i have to try to keep the cuts hide in from Setsuno. (she falls asleep in the bed.) (Setsuno POV) Its late. Wait what time is it? (Setsuno looks on his phone.) The time is 12:04. Geez thats late. I wonder how Kate is doing? She is probably asleep (Setsuno walked to his room and saw her asleep.) She looks so cute when she sleeps. (Setsuno when into the bathroom to change his clothes.) I hope she sleeps good. Goodnight Kate i love you. I hope you had a good day today.

(I hope you enjoyed the book)

I will protect you (Toya Setsuno x suicidal reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now