Chapter Twenty Seven.

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Veronica's pov.

I wake up to the slight beeping of a heart monitor , I feel the softness beneath me. I must have been moved into a room. My eyes flutter open and I am looking at a ceiling I don't recognize. Damn, that's right. I was rescued by my uncle and Xavier. I look around the room and I notice I am hooked up to a few things. Oxygen, blood, an IV and I notice that the heart monitor is attached to me too.

I try to sit up, groaning slightly at the pain my body is in. Riley walks into the room with a tray, when she notices me she rushes over.

"You are not supposed to be moving." She scolds me. Tears blur my vision, I reach for me and pull her into a hug. I don't care about the pain I am in, I just needed to hold her right now.

"I miss you." I sobbed. "I was so worried about you. Are you ohk?" I asked pulling away from her to check if she was ohk. Riley too was in tears.

"I wasn't the one that was kidnapped, Veronica." She laughed lightly. God, I missed her so damn much. "You look like shit." She said wiping away her tears.

"All in a day's work." I joke. "Speaking of which, how long was I out?"

"A day and a half." I turn my attention to Kevin at the door. "You scared the shit out of me, woman." He rushed over and hugged me. "I am never letting you out of my sight. You had me all alone with bitch-rilla here." He nudged Riley, who just galred at him.

"Where's Alec?" I asked.

"He's out getting lunch for us." Kevin smiled.

"And Xavier and my uncle?"

"They both over and your grandfather's place, they said to let them know as soon as you wake. I actually just sent a message to Xavier, he said he is on his way." Riley said showing me her phone... No wait, that's my phone. Why does she... Why does that matter right now!?

"Wait." I tried to sit up again, this time with Rileys help. "You're telling me that my uncle and the manager of my company have spent time together, and they have not killed each other yet?"

"I know right, it's super dodge." Kevin laughed. "They seem to be getting along."

"I first thought that when your uncle told Xavier to go over, it was to kill him. But it was actually to beat the shit out of Skylar." Riley informed me, the mention of Skylar's name brought a wave of unpleasant memories. I looked down at my body and saw I was almost complete covered by bandages.

"So, what did I break?" I was curious to know the damage he had inflicted.

"Six broken ribs, fractured collarbone, ten new cuts and he opened up your scare pretty deep but I'll be damned. That fucker did a good job sowing you back up." Riley laughed before she stared to cry. "Xavier told us how he found you." She sobbed. "He could've done so much more to you and we all would've been powerless. Dammit Lilly I'm sorry!" She cried into her hands. My eyes widened at the mention of my real name, I haven't heard Riley say it in so long. It almost sounds foreign. I pulled her against my chest as Kevin rubbed her back.

"You have nothing to apologize for. This was just rotten luck." I tried to comfort her but I too was about o break down.

"My Flower!" Exclaimed my uncle as he entered the room.

"Uncle Alex." I smiled at him.

"Oh baby girl, your grandfather was so upset when he heard what happened. He blames himself, as do I. I should have been more observant." He said holding my face and kissing my forehead. "Look at what the bastard did  to your beautiful face." I imagined I look like hell right now.

"Xavier, come in." My uncle called.

"No!" I shouted before I could stop myself. "I can't have him look at me like this." I pleaded with Riley but all she did was laugh.

"Girl this man as seen your tits, you have nothing to hide. Besides he did save you from being raped." Riley said getting up to fetch him. I hid my face in my hands.

"I'm glad you're doing ohk." I heard his soothing voice, it sent chilled throughout my body. Slowly I looked up at him.

"Thanks to you." I smiled at him. I hadn't noticed that everyone else had left the room. I wanted to scream. I was left alone with Xavier, my heart was pounding in my chest and thanks to the monitor. You could hear it too. This was so embarrassing, I was behaving like a schoolgirl. "Thank you." I whispered.

"No need to thank me." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "I am just happy that you are safe now. I couldn't sleep knowing you were hurt." I guessed he spoke before he could think as he covered his mouth. I could feel the crimson cover my face.

"No really thank you." I said taking his hand. "Only the good Lord knows what would've happened to me If you had not shown up when  you did."

I looked into his eyes for a moment and I could feel the room getting hotter. I bit my lip and his eyes immediately followed the action. He shook his head and took his hand back before clearing his throat.

"So... Um... You're doing ohk and well, that's good. I guess..." Before he could finish his sentance I had pulled him down to me. Our lips contacted and a wave of sensation rushed though me. Without waiting another second, Xavier held my neck and weast. Deepening the kiss. Our lips moved in sync for a few moments before he pulled away. Both of us with uneven breaths, he layed his forehead against mine.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Xavier chuckled before kissing my forehead. "Well, I'll leave you to rest." He said before turning.

"Wait." I grabbed his shirt. He turned to me. "I like you." I finally said it out loud. "I know it's weird with me taking over your thrown and all. But I do, I really like you Xavier."

The room was filled with silence, it stayed this way for a good few minutes and I was starting to feel stupid.

"Please." I pleaded. "Say something."

"I like you too Lyllith."

And with that he left me to rest.

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