miss you

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"She's finally asleep" Cheryl said as she walked into the living room with a baby monitor in her hands. Her hair was down and messy but it still looked great. Her hair always managed to look great. She was wearing cute pyjama shorts, long fluffy socks, and a pink hoodie. Toni smiled at her and patted the couch next to her, telling Cheryl to sit down. Cheryl said down next to her and rested her head on her shoulder. She felt so tired and couldn't help but yawn. "Honey get some sleep if your tired" Toni whispered as she drew spirals on Cheryl's leg with her fingers. "I just wanna be here with you" she replied sitting up and smiling at her. "I feel like we never get time together anymore. Like i see you everyday obviously and we sleep in the same bed every night but for some reason i get this feeling like i miss you. Life can be so crazy, especially with the kids and work and everything and i just don't wanna lose the me and you time, you know?" she rambled. Toni felt exactly the same way.

"I know exactly what you mean. It's hard but look what we have. I know that we can't spontaneously go get tattoos in the middle of the night like we did that one time, or just randomly make out for a while in the middle of the day but my heart still does a weird bouncy thing when u do that cute little smile. My whole body feels alive when you kiss me just like it has since the beginning. The way i feel about you Cheryl has never and will never change. Come here" she said as she pulled the strings on her hoodie and leaned in to kiss her. "i love you baby" Toni continued and Cheryl smiled at her.

"You know, i don't really feel that tired anymore" Cheryl said with a smirk. "oh really?" Toni replied as she learnt forward and pushed Cheryl down onto the couch. She kissed her passionately and trailed her hand softly along her bare leg. A small giggle escaped Cheryl's mouth as she kissed her. Toni pulled away and looked at her a little confused. "I'm sorry that just really tickled my leg" she said giggling again which made Toni giggle too. She did it again purposely and then proceeded to tickle her all over. They both hysterically laughed together for a while. Eventually they tickling stopped and they lay facing one another on the couch, with their legs intertwined. They played with each others fingers and kissed each other softly. They didn't speak because they didn't need too. The quiet was bliss. Until it wasn't quiet anymore.

"Oh there she is" Toni said as Cheryl sighed and sat up. "No i'll get her" Toni said jumping up. "You stay right there and i'll be back in a few minutes" she whispered with a smirk on her face. "Trust me i'm not going anywhere" Cheryl replied as she subtly hit her lip.

Toni entered the nursery and picked Nancie up out of her crib. "Shhhh honey it's okay. I got you" she whispered gently. It took a while but eventually Nancie settled down and drifted back to sleep. Toni gently placed her down and walked out quietly. She quickly scurried along the hallway and down the stairs to get back to Cheryl. She walked in all giddy and excited, only to find Cheryl fast asleep on the couch. She was all cosy and peaceful. Toni's heart felt warm. She walked over to her and sat down on the end of the couch next to her. She didn't wanna wake her but she knew that she would be uncomfortable if she stayed on the couch all night. "Baby" Toni whispered as she kissed her on the forehead and gently nudged her arm. "Mmm" she groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. "Let's go to bed" Toni said as she helped Cheryl stand up and walked her to their bedroom. Cheryl was half asleep so as soon as she got to bed and climbed straight in and closed her eyes again. Toni turned off all the lights and climbed into bed with her. She lay gazing at her and thinking about how beautiful she was. "I love you but please go to sleep cos i can feel you staring at me" Cheryl mumbled which made Toni laugh. "I love you too" she whispered with a giggle and closed her eyes too.


"Thank goodness i'm home today was stressful" Cheryl said as she threw her hand bag and keys onto the table in the front room. "Well it's a good job we have all night to relax" Toni said as she handed Cheryl a glass of wine. "Relax, pffftt, what's that?" Cheryl said sarcastically before noticing that the house was extremely quiet. "Wait where are the kids?" she asked looking around at the house which was completely tidy. "Betty and Veronica kindly offered to have the kids tonight" Toni said with a smile and Cheryl's face lit up. "Sooooo" Toni started as she grabbed Cheryl's hands and intertwined their fingers, "i thought that we could go out for dinner and then come home for...erm...dessert" she continued with a smirk. Cheryl grabbed Toni's face and pulled her in to kiss her. "You are amazing" she whispered as she hugged her.

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