a bitch and an emo

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Veronica, Betty, Archie, Jughead, Josie, and Reggie sat on the sofas in the common room as Cheryl told them all about the 'rude' new girl. "She literally just walked away" Cheryl said still is disbelief. "I mean i was trying to help her and tell her about her new school and she just didn't care at all! I was trying to be nice" she exclaimed. "Maybe she was just anxious and maybe a bit intimidated by you" Betty said trying to calm Cheryl who was still a little angry. "Yeah but-wait i'm not intimidating" Cheryl said with a frown. All the others looked at each other wide eyed as if to say "erm yeah you are" and Cheryl gasped and rolled her eyes. "Anyways she's one of those emo low life weirdos who doesn't care about anything. I mean she's very pretty but she definitely doesn't fit in with our group, so we don't have to worry about her" she said accidentally looking at Jughead whilst she did. Jughead rolled his eyes and decided not to retaliate because he wouldn't win.

Cheryl finished her rant and sat down next to Veronica. "Moving on..." she started "party at mine this Friday?" she said raising a brow and smirking. "Yeah!!" everyone replied excitedly. "Great, my moms going away for the weekend so the whole house is ours. Might just invite everyone" she said and the others nodded in agreement. "What's the dress code?" Betty asked hoping she would say casual. "Oh just casual, there's no way i'm wearing a dress" Veronica replied. "Great can't wait!!"


Cheryl walked into psychology with her files in one hand and her phone in another. She was scrolling through twitter. "Move!" she said with a short temper when people got in her way. As she walked over to her usual seat she looked up to see the new girl sitting beside her on the table. Cheryl sighed, rolled her eyes and continued on to her seat. She slammed her file down on the desk making the girl who had her headphones in jump up and look at her. Toni recognised the red head and rolled her eyes. She looked back down at her phone not speaking a word. Cheryl sat down and turned to look at the new girl. "i get the impression that you don't like me" she said with a stern tone.

For the whole hour class the two girls didn't speak. They were doing a lot of independent work which made it more awkard because everyone else was talking. Cheryl went on her phone for most of the class. She slammed her fingers on the keyboard and scrolled through the gossip in the group chat giggling as she did. Someone had sent in an awful photos of one of the girls in their year. They all slagged her off and called her names. Cheryl wasn't proud but she loved gossip and she loved having a laugh with her friends. Toni glanced over often to see what Cheryl found so funny. She got on with her work as the redhead sat doing nothing.

The bell sounded for the end of class and the girls started packing there things away. "i get the impression that you don't like me" Cheryl said with a stern tone. "i just don't like what you represent" Toni replied. "what the hell is that supposed to mean?" she replied confused and with a frown. "you are the literal embodiment of everyone who has made my school like hell for the past 10 years" she replied "your the rich bitch it girl. you don't care how what you say might make others feel. All the guys wanna date you and all the girls wanna be you" she continued knowing that everything she said was right. Cheryl frowned. She didn't really know how to respond. "you don't even know me!" she said angrily. Toni looked her up and down. "oh yeah i really do" she said and then walked out of the classroom.

The people around looked at Cheryl wide eyed. No one talked to her like that. Everyone at riverdale high was scared of Cheryl, except the new girl.


"guys i have no idea what to wear" Cheryl said as soon as Betty and Veronica answered her facetime call. "just wear jeans and a top" Veronica said which was not very helpful. "oh great, thanks for that advice Veronica i actually didn't think of that" Cheryl replied sarcastically as V rolled her eyes. "wear that red shirt blouse thing that you got the other day" Betty suggested. "i forgot about that" Cheryl replied excitedly "okay bye" she continued ending the factime call. Cheryl pulled out the red blouse from her wardrobe and began getting ready.

It was 8.00pm when she arrived at Veronica's house. There was a lot of people already there but Cheryl liked to be fashionably late. She walked in the house and quickly ran upstairs to put her back in V's room, she was staying over because she obviously couldn't drive home. She walked downstairs and found Veronica and Betty, giving them big hugs as they greeted each other. "Come to the kitchen with me" Cheryl said wanting a drink.

It reached about 10 and everyone was pretty drunk. They'd been dancing and having a great night but Cheryl needed to fill her cup. Her and the girls went to the kitchen giggling and laughing at pretty much everything. She grabbed her rose bottle out of the fridge because she was classy and drank wine at parties. She filled her red plastic cup and turned about quickly to go back into the living room. As she did another she crashed into another girl and her drink went everyone. "Oh My God! Watch it" Cheryl screamed even though  it was entirely her fault. She heard a snigger and someone murmur "bitch" under their breath behind her. She turned around already angry ready to shout something about whoever had said that behind her when she saw it was none other than Toni Topaz. Filled with rage she took a deep breath and stepped closer the the smaller girl. "Who the hell do you think you are?" she yelled and everyone around stopped and watched. "I'm Toni" the girl said sarcastically with a fake smile. Cheryl got more and more angry. "Why are you even here?" she continued.

"It's a party and everyone was invited. I wanted to meet the people who i'd be spending the next two years of my life with. You know i've actually met some pretty cool people, but i mean i doubt you've ever spoken to them"

Cheryl was lost for words again. She wasn't used to someone being so up front with her. "Everyone was invited but that doesn't mean everyone comes. No one wants you here. Go home" she yelled. Everyone around was confused as to why the two girls disliked each other so much. To be honest, Cheryl was confused too but also very angry. Toni looked at her and smirked. "you can't bully people into doing thing you want Cheryl" Toni said not scared of the redhead whatsoever. Cheryl smirked grabbed what remained of her drink in her cup and poured it over Toni, throwing the cup down on the ground when it was empty. People around gasped and some laughed. Everyone stood wide eyed eager to see what was going to happen next. "Maybe you should go home and wash your hair" Cheryl said with a sarcastic sympathetic tone in her voice. A humiliated Toni grabbed her back off the countertop. She walked past Cheryl and turned back before leaving. "See, i was tight about you" she said smiling. Cheryl frowned at her and watched her leave the kitchen. "Okay shows over" she said sternly and people returned to their conversations.

"What the hell just happened?" Veronica asked "i don't even know that girl?" Cheryl wipes herself down with a cloth and poured some more of her drink. "literally neither do i" she said rolling her eyes.

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