Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

You know that saying, "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade" while this is the story of me trying to do that.

I was sitting in a crowded, stuffy room, the air smelt like warm corn flakes, I could hear footsteps coming towards me. It was my parents. They came into my room, WITHOUT EVEN KNOCKING! My mom slowly walked towards my bed, and sat next to me, while my dad sat on a transparent, wheelie chair.

"We need to talk to you,” my mom said softly.

The first thing that popped into my head, was what did I do now?

"Don't worry honey, this has nothing to do with you,” My dad said, noticing the look on my face.

"Then, what is it?” I asked.

"Well, your mother and I have been having some problems for a while, and we have decided to split up"

I sat there in total disbelief, the words kept repeating in my head. I have never felt like this before, it was anger, but sadness combined, all I could think about was running, to my little hideout. So I did, I ran out of my room, as fast as flash. I am pretty sure my parents tried to stop me, but then realized that I needed space and just let it be.

I ran out of the house, I knew exactly where I wanted to go. I was heading towards my little sanctuary; in other words, I was running towards a lemon tree. It wasn't just a lemon tree, it was the lemon tree. I have been going there for years. Anyway, getting back to my story, as I was approaching the lemon tree, I could see someones figure, I started running faster. I mean, how dare someone sits by MY lemon tree. When I finally reached my destination, I said;

"Uh, what are you sitting by MY lemon tree?" I asked with an angry tone.

The guy that was sitting there slowly turned his head to face me. He was quite cute, his eyes were this shade of blue that would make you want to just stare at them all day, and his hair was this dark brownish color. (OMG, he was hot.)

"Uhh, I don't recall seeing your name written in this tree.” he said with this playful and childish tone, which made me sort of angry.

"Well, if you don't leave soon, it will be written in your blood." I said feeling confident yet angry at the same time.

"Ok, calm down," he said in between a smile (OMG, his smile was so cute)

"So, What's your name?"

"Skylar" I answered

"That is a really pretty name," he said

"Thank you, it was a birthday present" I said smiling

He laughed

"You're funny," he said "So Skyler why is it that you love this tree so much"

I felt awkward; no one has ever asked me that, which is also weird because I have been coming to this tree for years.

"Well, I like this tree and it's a part of who I am" I answered "and you?"

"I find this tree very comfortable and it’s like my second home" he said.

"I have to go, I don't feel well" I lied.

"Okay, but wait, before you go, tomorrow I am gonna be here, at 3 o'clock, I'll see you then, okay?"

I slowly walked away with a big smile on my face.

I go home and my parents were in the living room. I knew that we still had to talk, but part of me didn't want to.

"Sky, can you please sit down here" my mom said calmly pointing to a chair that was in front of them.

"Yeah, sure," I said

"Well, your father and I have decided that he is moving out. But me and you will still live in this house, because we think that maybe you might still be too attached to something in this house or near this house and that it wouldn't be fair to you." my mom said

"Well, that's ok for me, I guess" I responded.

"Ok, then I'll go upstairs and start packing up my things." My dad said.

"I'll go help you," I said.

"That's ok sweetheart, you can just go to your room" my dad said back to me.

I left the room, with some big weight on my chest. I can't believe that after about 18 years of marriage, they are getting divorced. I remember when they fought the first time, I was about 6 years old, so I knew exactly what was going on. I can still remember the way that they were talking to each other I had never seen them saying so many bad words in only one sentence. That was the day that I found my precious lemon tree. I knew that I shouldn't be listening to my parents fighting so I ran out of the house, I ran for about 10 minutes, and that was when in the middle of this big and empty field I found this lemon tree. I sat there for about 2 hours until I decided that I should go back home, before my parents came out looking for me, but before I left I made sure to remember where this tree was so that I could come back whenever I needed or wanted to think.

Ever since that day, I have been going to That same lemon tree every day, just to think, because as stupid as this sounds I know that this tree won't ever judge me for what I do, say or think.

I felt like running to the tree, but, even though I love that tree I am still pretty scared of that field at night, I mean you never know when this wild animal might decide to show up and hurt you or even worse kill you. So instead of running to my tree I just went to my room. My room was like my second lemon tree. I had about everything that I owned in that small place. It had all my diaries, all my clothes, all my electronics, all my makeup all my everything.

As I sat in my bed, I started to think about in a matter of seconds my life had just changed. My parents were now divorced and part of me still didn't want to believe It. How was it going to be? Who was I going to live with? How would my parents act around each other? What will other people think? What will I think? Would they date other people? All these questions began to pop in my head and honestly all I wanted to do was make them stop because they were only stressing the hell out of me. So to help me get my mind of things I decided to call my best friend, Jamie. Jamie has been my friend since we were in like 3 so I guess it's safe to say that we are best friend or more like sisters. I called her, the phone rang for about 2 minutes and then she answered:

"Hey, what's up?" Jamie asked

"Hey" I said softly

"What's wrong" Jamie asked

"Can you come over?" I asked

"Yeah, sure be there in 5"she said before hanging up.

One of the good things about Jamie was that she lived at a walk from my house, so we normally just called each other when we were bored and then one of us would go to the other house.

Written by: Both of us

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