Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

And that’s when it all made sense. I knew at the tree that I knew his face from somewhere and I finally found out were. I came to realization that the same guy that stole my tree was not just a Bradley but was THE Bradley Stevens. He was the schools best tennis player. He not only represented the schools team but our town’s 10-15 team. He was the most popular guy in school, he was the guy every girl wanted to be with and every guy wanted to be. He had light green eyes, light brown hair, and thin lips.

“Oh hey you’re the tree lover girl right?” he asked looking at me with a small smile.

“Tree lover?” I asked raising my left eyebrow.

“Yeah, you’re that girl that threatened to kill me if I didn’t leave her lemons tree” he said with a bigger smile.

I blushed as memories from 2 days ago came flashing back. And I suddenly feel very nervous. I mean I latterly threatened to kill the school most popular guy, if anyone heard this I would probably be sentenced to death.

“Oh, yeah t-that’s, me” I said picking up my books and papers as fast as I could to get away from that situation.

“Here let me help you,” he said bending down, picking up some of my papers.

“So what happened yesterday?” he asked looking away from the floor to face a red faced me.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Man this guy was confusing.

“You were supposed to meet with me at the tree” he said with a smile and a frown.

Now how the hell was this guy able to frown and to smile and the same time, and still look good while doing both is a mystery to me.

“I, uh forgot,” I said as I tried to dodge away from the subject.

The real reason was that I found out that my dad was cheating on my mom, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

“Right” he said dragging the word with a slight smirk forming in his lips.

“What you don’t believe me?” I asked with a nervous laugh

“Nop” he said popping the ‘p’ and letting out a light chuckle.

“And why’s that? I've never given you any reason for you not to trust me have I?” I asked rather curious.

“Well yeah, but neither have you given me a reason to trust you” he said with one of his famous smirks.

“Touché” I said with a smile.

We picked up the rest of my books and papers and as soon as we stood up the bell ring.

“Bye tree lover”

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

“Bye tree thief” I said mentally patting myself on the back for coming back with a nickname.

“Good nickname” he said s he began to turn around and walk to his class.

“O’h, and Skyler” he said causing me to turn around.

“Yeah?” I asked hugging my books close to my chest

“Don’t think you’ll escape that date” he said with a wink and then walked away leaving me in the middle of a Riddell high school hallway with a shocked expression and a beating heart.

I snapped myself out of the trans I was in and walked over to my class.

I frowned when I reached a dark wooden door with the word ‘Math’ written on a silver place that was glued to the door.

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