Sick Spider

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A/N NathashaxTony and Peter is 15

Peter's POV

I wake up and realize I have a huge headache and felt sick. I knew I was probably going to have a sensory overload. I also had a test that I couldn't miss.
- Pete you coming?" I heard my mom say. I get out of bed and I was immediately hit with a dizzy spell, it was so bad that I fell with a loud thump. I heard footsteps running towards my room and my door open violently.
- Oh my god ребенок паук are you ok"
- I think I'm sick мама паук" I reply.
- Aww come here" Said my mom. I snuggle into her open arms "your burning up"
-  Nat is everything okay" I hear my dad say
- It seems that our little spider is sick
- I thought he couldn't get sick after the spider bite.
- 'M sorry, guess I caught a cold" I reply my words slurring
- Tones can you get him back to bed I'll call the school
- But I missed to much school already and I have a test.
- Your health is more important Underoos" Said My dad "Now let me put you back to bed"
- okay dad" I reply still slurring my words but when I stand up again I dash to the bathroom and throw up.

Natasha's POV

As I see Peter run to the bathroom I looks at Tony
- Go I'll call the school
- Thank you Tones" I say and give a quick kiss to my husband and dash to the bathroom. I see Peter with his head in the toilet I sit down beside him and rub my hand in circles on his back.
- Your okay" he shakes his head in the toilet. "Let's get you to bed okay, I'll start making my chicken noodle soup ok."
- Okay" And he stands up with my support obviously and we make our way towards his room. He lies down on his bed
- And because your sick no patrol till your 100%" Said Tony
- Wasn't planning on it either"
- Get well soon ребенок паук
- I will мама паук" And we left. I go to the living room/ Kitchen. Tony is watching tv while I was making my chicken noodle soup.
- Tony do you want any
- Sure why not
- ok great I will triple the recipe. Are the others coming?
- They should be. Right about now" after he said that the elevator dinged and everyone walked out.
- Hello man of iron and lady romanoff!" Yelled Thor
- Shhh!" I said "Peter's sick and currently sleeping"
- I was actually wondering where he was and I see your making chicken noodle soup" said Clint. While everyone got settled I heard Peter rushing to the bathroom in his room.
- Steve Watch this I'll be right back." I said rushing out of the room into Peter's room. When I get there he's was throwing up. I rush behind him and rub my hand in a circular motion on his back. "Oh sweetheart, let it all out" I say in my softest voice. I felt so bad.
- FRIDAY what's his temperature?
- it's 108 and rising, he seems to have the flu. In which will be gone in two weeks
- Thanks FRI
- Anytime miss Stark
I  pick up my phone and dial the school.
- This is Midtown High How May I help you
- Hi I'm Natasha Stark mother and legal guardian of Peter Stark, I would like to call him sick for the next two weeks, he has a terrible flu
- V-Very well miss Stark I will do that right away
- Thank you have a good day
- Y-you too" and I hang up. I go back to the kitchen to finish my soup. Once completed I put some in a cup for Peter and go back to his room.
- Thanks мама паук
- No problem, the others are here
- I wish I wasn't sick how long are they staying
- For the rest of the month
- So I will be able to see them.
- Yes
- Am I gonna miss movie night
- No you should be fine
- Awesome
~Time Skip brought to you by Natasha dying in endgame~
Once Movie night came around Peter was already on the couch cuddling with Tony. I sat down beside Peter on the couch. Steve And Bucky took the Love seat, Clint took one bean bag Sam took the other one. Wanda and Vision were sitting on the other live seat and Rhodey was sitting beside me on the couch. Thor has his own chair. And Pepper was busy with running the company. We chose to watch a dog's purpose, Peter fell asleep during the movie then Tony followed by everyone else. After the movie ended everyone was sound asleep, I was the last one awake,
- Friday when I fall asleep can you take a picture?"
- Of course Miss Stark" And like that I fell asleep.

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