Peter goes missing. Pt 1

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A/N: AU of nice avengers, Clint and Scott are the bio brothers of Nat, Peter bio son of Nat and is 14. Maximoff twins are adopted children of Nat and aged 14. Tony is Nat's husband

Peter's POV
I woke up to my alarm, it was the last day of school before summer started, I couldn't wait to go to camp for the first month with Uncle Clint and Uncle Scott. Even though I couldn't see Ned and MJ till the second month, I didn't mind. After I get up and get ready for school, I make my way to the Kitchen where everyone was. We were currently at the tower. After I eat breakfast it was time to go to school.
"Wanda, Pietro were gonna be late!" I yell after them.
"We're not going Pete, we'll see you after school"
"Fine. Bye Mom, bye dad and bye guys." I say and start walking to school. While walking my spidey senses kick in. I just ignore them, I was super excited, then I felt my spidey sense get worse. I decide to walk into an ally and wait for the so called threat to pass, but instead I'm met with something hitting me in the back of the head and I fall unconscious. After what felt like forever, I wake up in a weird room. I try to move just to realize that my hands were handcuffed with vibranium cuffs, the one metal I can't break through, even with my spidey strength. How did this person know about the cuffs. I look around for anything to give me an idea on where I am, but I see nothing, just these white walls with white fluorescent lighting and a mirror, which is probably a one way mirror.
"Hello! Is anybody there!" I yell "hello! I need to get to school!"
"Well well well. Looks like Spider-Man woke up" I froze.
"What are you talking about. I'm not Spider-Man." I say a little nervous.
"Yes you are. We followed you around, everywhere you went we followed. We also know that your mother Is Miss Natalia Romanova and stepson of Tony Stark"
"Don't hurt them please" I say
"We don't want to hurt them, we want to use you to get what we want"
"What do you mean we" I say and finally a man emerges from the shadows. "D-DAD!"
"Hello Peter. To answer your question it's the men behind that mirror"
"What are you gonna do to me"
"That's for you to figure out" he says and then puts a bag over my head, I feel myself being pulled out of my seat and walked out of the room.
Natasha's POV
When I get a phone call from Peter's school saying that he didn't show up to first period O was a little confused, I decided to call him but there was no answer. I started panicking a little bit. I tried calling him again still no answer, I sit on the couch trying to prevent an oncoming panic attack, this happened when he was 4. He went for a walk and he didn't come back. All at once the memories started flooding back, all the emotions resurfacing. As much as I wanted to I couldn't prevent the panic attack. Then I was in that memory, except Peter was already dead.
"Peter! Nononono!" I say running up and kneeling down beside him. "P-Peter" I say feeling the tears form in my eyes and I just let them go, holding my son "Someone! Anyone! Please it's my son! He's dying! Help!" I yell but no one came "Tony!" I yell trying again but nothing. I cry holding him and rocking back and forth still yelling for someone to come help.

Tony's POV
I was currently in my lab working on Peter's suit. I was lost in my work until Friday snapped me out of my zone
"Sir Misses Stark seems to be currently having a panic attack" I dropped my tool, and dash for the elevator
"Fri bring me to her now!" I yell and the elevator moves. Once I hear the familiar ding of the elevator saying that I had gotten to the floor. I run over to her, she was rocking back and forth mumbling something while crying. I sit down beside her and wrap her in a hug. I whisper sweet nothings in her ears and I feel her start calming down I pull her out of my embrace and look at her, eyes read and puffy from crying. "What happened, you never had an attack before"
"H-he has Peter" she whispers
"Who does" I ask, I see her eyes change from grief to pure anger
"Richard" she says his name with venom. I felt rage building up inside of me, knowing exactly who he was. I stand up and Nat follows.
"Let me make a call" I say. I take out my phone and call Rogers. Even though we weren't on good terms at the moment with the whole accords thing, I could really use his team with this, plus he loved the boy like his own, both sides of the team did and they all knew who Richard was and how he was with Hydra
"Stark" he said
"Rogers, I need you guys' help"
"With What"
"Kicking Richard's ass, he has Peter and Nat just had a panic attack."

Steve's POV
I was just sitting in the compound sketching with my side all watching a movie, then my phone started ringing. I look who it is and it was Stark
"Stark's Calling"
"Answer it" I hear Bucky say. I did and put it on speaker
"Rogers I need you guys' help" The everyone was listening
"With What"
"Kicking Richard's ass, he has Peter and Nat just had a panic attack" everyone froze in rage, Peter was like a nephew to all of us. Especially to Clint and Scott, they were the ones ready to kill someone. Clint was already getting his bow and arrow while Scott look so angry that you could tell he was related to Nat, he had the same death stare that made people fear her.
"Where on our way" I say and hang up everyone immediately suits up and head to the tower. One thing was for sure, Richard and Hydra would regret messing with the youngest Avenger.

A/N I know it's been a while since I updated, I've just been busy with school, exams are coming up. So I will try and get pt 2 up soon. I hoped you enjoyed these stories. Don't forget I'm always open for requests

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